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Showing posts from May, 2013

Stop Funding the DNC

It is past time to shut off the money tap to the Democratic National Committee and also bring in our foot soldiers for the people we are helping to elect are giving us nothing in return. In fact, they are supporting the antiunion people by just doing nothing while our rights are expiring. You hear nothing about the loss of our National Labor Relations Board. The Democrats are now calling themselves “Centrists” (Blue Dogs) and as they chase the GOP, the GOP moves further to the extreme right then our Democrats move more toward the center right. Now is the time to draw a new line and it needs to be brought back to the early ‘90s at least and restore all the rights that we wage slaves have lost since then. We cannot keep throwing our money and manpower into the blackhole that we are digging. We must stop digging and start over with new or old tactics that have worked or will work. Our membership is falling fast and with that money in which to support us and fight. This money must be spen...

Old Tactics & New

During the years of 1905-1908, IWW’s Big Bill Haywood wanted to organize the forgotten unskilled workers (think fast food workers of today), those without votes – without unions. Haywood once said at a meeting, “I do not care a snap of my fingers whether or not skilled workers join the IWW movement at this time.” He shouted at the meeting, “We are going down into the gutters to get at the mass of workers and bring them up to a decent plane of living (think minimum wage $15 to $16 per hour). It is these ‘have nothings’ who will be the shock troops of labor who will establish the first beach head in the resistance of the entrenched industry so that later labor organizations can win what is rightfully theirs for the masses. Eugene Debs, labor leader, said the industrial workers are organized not conciliate, but to fight the 1% oligarchy class. The oligarchies own the tools they do not use. The workers use the tools they do not own. So you can see there is power with the wage slaves. They...

States Perpetuating Genocide on Workers' Rights

Why are the states perpetuating genocide on workers’ rights and union wages? Could it be that the states have seen that factories and jobs are coming back to the USA? The state governments think the low wages and less safety regulations will attract the factories to their states. The unions need to pay attention to this trend for this will give the unions head start on fighting off the genocide of workers. We must go on the on the offensive and upset the anti-worker money people. One way to do this is to back $15-$16 minimum wage this will shift away a lot of money and attention from what the states are doing to union people. If the unions could be the leaders on the minimum wage hike it could lead to an organizer’s dream for the workers would feel powerful and would have money for education and lots of products, which hopefully, will be made in the USA. If the workers of the world all start to demand what is their right, it will help us here so we, wage slaves must support all work...

The Gap Widens

The gap between the 1% oligarchies and the wage slaves gets wider by the day. The Stock Market just hit 1,500. It has never been this high and the corporations are making record profits than ever and yet the workers are paying for this as the wage gap just keeps widening so what are we to do? The elected politicians won’t help. They are in the pockets of the money people, but some of the world leaders are starting to get nervous about the level of anxiety of the poor 99%. There is no jobs and what there is pays very little and no health or pensions. When people have no hope, the masses can be very dangerous. All that is missing is a leader or leaders, such as Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Walter Reuther, John F. and Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X or Gandhi. When the leaders do appear we had better hope they are good ones and if they are we had better protect them from being killed like our old friends “Abraham, Martin and John.” Now will the new leader or leaders be something l...