A common practice by corporate greed is to have the minimum wage worker help pay for the bonuses a lot of corporation executives receive, unknown by the common man or woman. It is called the dead peasant life insurance policies, which a lot of companies take out on their employees without the employees knowing they do this. So a minimum wage employee making $15 thousand to $18 thousand a year would be worth $1 million to the corporation if they die. Walmart is famous for this. Is the corporation you work for doing this? It would be good if the wage slaves made $15 to $16 an hour as a minimum wage so they could buy life insurance for their families. This is just one more reason that the wage slaves must take back their commons and workplace and until we do this, this is the way we will be treated—just like slaves—worth more dead than alive. So now you can see why the large corporations do not want health insurance or Obamacare. The prerequisite for an ideology is the possession of a ...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.