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Showing posts from August, 2013

The Dream of Debs

Will the Dream of Debs, written by Jack London, ever come true? I think that it could happen or some version of it will occur. The dream was the Holy Grail of labor, which is a general strike over all of the United State. Step one was that labor stock pile enough food and necessities to outlast the 1 percent; sort of like what the Mormons teach their followers to do: stock pile food for a year. Then the union members have to save enough money to pay their bills for when union go on strike. In the past, strikes were usually lost because members ran out of food and money. The unions would have to be self-sufficient to shut down everything at once or to do a rolling strike planned to take place at different places to stay ahead of the corporations trying to neutralize the efforts of the strike, such as tying up the docks. Then tying up the trucks, shutting off the fuel at the refineries, followed by the railroads and power plants, and with the communication we have today, this could be a...

If Tooth Fairy Recipients get a Raise, Shouldn't Workers

The Tooth Fairy recipients will get a 23 percent increase in payouts for each tooth, which is now worth $5 a piece, and some people are thinking fast-food or low-wage workers should work for minimum wage. In some states, low earners are getting just a little above what a kid gets for a tooth. Now the owners and bosses should be the only tight asses against the $15 to $16 living wage, but I am appalled at the stupidity of some low-wage workers, who think the $15 to $16 an hour would be too much. You would think these ignorant people owned the companies. The naysayers don’t understand that the world is made up of the 99 percent and the 1 percent, and they sure as hell are not, or probably will never be, the 1 percent. The 1 percent does not need any help fighting to keep the minimum wage as it is. In fact, they would like to have it lower or none at all where you become a true wage slave. The only reason I can think of for why a ‘have very little’ would not want a $15 to $16 wage is if ...

Economy is the Game of Monopoly

Economics 101 and the bullshit of the austerity: the only people who have benefitted from austerity are the 1 percent by having their jobs safe, their investments continued growing and their taxes were kept low. Do you really think this is the way to keep the economy growing? If yes, you’d be wrong. The longer the austerity last, the less money there is in the pockets of the 99 percent who are most likely to spend the money. There are other players in the game of economics, which is just like the game of Monopoly? The game does not get started until all the players have money, but as the game goes on someone will end up with all the money, the 1 percent. Then the game is over, just like an economy that becomes stagnant. To start a new game you must do what? Yes, put the money back in the hands of the players. One way we should have done this was to take advantage of a once in a generation opportunity to repair roads, bridges, air ports, water lines, electrical grids, gas piping and t...

Public Opinion Matters

Labor fights that were lost or won have always been decided by public opinion, even though there was contributing events, such as the National Guard, law enforcement, and court orders. Public opinion is a largest factor for without public support the elected politicians will not support you whether it’s local government (cities and counties), states, or even federal, for their life is controlled by public opinion, and, of course, lobbyists money, but in the end it still is public opinion that matters. So when labor starts a campaign, it must first test the waters, then plan from there. At this time, the $15 to $16 per hour minimum wage is enjoying very good public opinion ratings, but it needs to be pushed to at least 70 percent of the favorable rankings and made to hold at that rate, which will take money to advertise the benefits and explain about the corporations, that are supporting or leaning in favor of this increase in the minimum wage for all wage slaves in the low-wage indust...

Eating your seed corn

The $15 to $16 an hour minimum wage fight must have a large outreach of community-based support and education of the public in the overall good that will come from higher wages for the lower wage workers. There are 46 million people in this country living in poverty. Between 2009 and 2011, all the new income generated in this country went to the top 1 percent making the income inequality in this country greater than in any other developed country. It looks like some of the corporations are starting to see the benefits of more money in the pockets of our wage slaves will help not only the workers, but will mean more profits for the corporation. It will not mean fewer jobs, but not more jobs to keep up with the customer demands for the food industry and manufacturers. I think the corporations are really starting to see the benefits of paying a good living wage and benefits. Some of these corporations are Costco, Trader Joe’s, Safeway, Raley’s, among others. They see that one of the ways...

How to Counteract the Capitalist System

It is very hard to educate and organize at the same time as workers are working 12-hour days seven days a week. You have to work your organizing and protesting in sync with education. Workers must have the knowledge of worker history so they have confidence in what they believe. I once was told by a human resource manager at Point Magu Navy base that the reason labor loses in negotiations is that human resource people know more about labor history than the workers, which is why I study labor history. The Art of War tells us that to win you must know yourself (labor history) and know your enemy. If you only know one of these you will only win about half of your fights, but if you know both yourself and your enemy, you have a better chance of winning all your fights. Also, labor must have a good knowledge of how the capitalist system works for you and fighting for better wages you must understand economics. You can split out the truth and the bullshit and it is not rocket science to lear...

Workers Use 13th Amendment of U.S. Constitution

The idea that workers had rights in their workplaces equal to or exceeded the rights of management motivated union activity during the 1930s. According to historian Sidney Fine, during the sit-down strike at Flint, Michigan, in 1937, the United Auto Workers contended that the strike was legal because the workers enjoyed a property right in his/her job; and in striking, was therefore protecting his private property—his/her right to a job. The property right of the workers in their job, it was alleged, was superior to the right of the company to use its property as it saw fit since the workers had invested their lives in the company/plant only invested their money. Remember, it is labor that creates wealth and jobs. Money can do nothing without humans and this is where the power and this is where the power is found. Just look at the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution known as the Glorious Labor Amendment, which gives workers the right to strike to improve wages, working conditions,...

The Fight For Minimum Wage

The fight for minimum wage shows the GOP is using Hitler’s playbook of 1933 against workers is in the legislation introduced and supported by 36 senators led by Tom Coburn and Rand Paul. This bill would make it virtually impossible for Congress to enact any legislation intended to improve working conditions or regulate the work place, such as a federal minimum wage, eliminate the National Labor Relations Board laws, overtime pay, and discrimination laws. They could, under the Roberts’ U.S. Supreme Court, roll back existing protections for workers, such as Medicare and the 1918 Child Labor laws. But, as I see it, this is about the push for a $15 an hour wage for our low-income workers so our wage slaves should also be looking at what the cities, counties and states can do to make the minimum wage increase a reality. These government entities do have the authority to set a minimum wage for their people and most federal laws start with what people in the cities, counties and state gover...

Work Slaves & Welfare Queens

There is hope for the wage slaves and it is coming from the low-wage workers, who have very little. These are the people who will raise the ship of wages and produce jobs. For they will force the oligarchies and corporations, who are sitting on trillions of dollars either in the U.S. or in offshore bank accounts to pay their workers a living wage. These greedy elitists should be made to stop receiving corporate welfare, which is when the 99 percent pays taxes to support their en slavers while workers are trying to live on minimum wage or part-time work. The workers must be supplemented by at least by at least $8 to $10 per hour just to survive so when we (not me) shop at Walmart and think we are getting a good deal on something made in China you’re not. For you are helping Walmart pay its workers through your taxes, which could be used for something benefitting our country and not billionaires because the states, counties and cities have to make up the difference of low wages in food ...

GOP Following Hitler's Lead

“We must close union offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers’ salaries and take away their rights to strike.” Adolph Hitler, May 2, 1933 This is happening today and gives proof that the antiunion corporations and oligarchies are using Hitler’s playbook of 1933 in 2013; and how did Hitler’s efforts against the workers work out for the German people of 1933? We know that the backbone of a capitalist consumers’ system is the wage slaves, but they must have good wages to support their families and healthcare to keep their human machines working and productive for a day of lost wages is also a day of lost production for the corporations. When they have lost the means to be productive, there must be a pension. Basically, what I’m politely saying is that the people screwing the workers are screwing themselves. If there are a lot of the old retired wage slaves around, they can still be productive in volunteer things, such as volunteer at a fire c...