Who gets the interest on earned wages? Hint, it's not the workers. Minimum wage workers do not make minimum wage. How wage slaves give money to their employers is rather sneaky on the part of the employers. The worker usually gets paid by the hour or piece work. The rub comes when the worker receives their pay. In the old days workers were paid upon completion of the job or at the end of the working day. Over time the employers have kept the money longer and longer before paying the worker. Sometimes, workers weren’t paid at all. Now the employer does not trust the workers to pay them up front. That was not unusual as some people have shown they aren’t trustworthy to complete a job if they’ve already been paid for it. However, employers used this as a reason to evolve into a system of holding onto a worker’s pay until the end of a job, then to the end of the week, then to the end of two weeks and then to the end of the month, and sometimes longer. Now, consider who gets the interes...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.