Unions need to become very unpredictable in their overall strategy and their tactics. They need to become ghosts with no financial assets, which would give the ghost leaders no fear of losing assets in a court of law and would be hard if not impossible to link responsibility to a ghost. This type of warfare tactic was adapted from the Scythian king and used against the Persian Army of Darius in the early 6th century. Darius lost and retreated without ever having a chance to fight because he could not get King Scythian to stop and fight and the reason for this was because the Scythians had no cities or cultivation for their enemies to destroy or take. They had nothing to defend, no assets to protect. If unions took on this practice, today’s court of law would have nothing to take from unions. Scythian said killing the enemy is easy, but it’s the finding of him that is difficult. This is as true today as ever. Your enemy will not meet you on your own terms, only on his and this is why as...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.