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Showing posts from May, 2015

Unions Should Use Scythians' Example

Unions need to become very unpredictable in their overall strategy and their tactics. They need to become ghosts with no financial assets, which would give the ghost leaders no fear of losing assets in a court of law and would be hard if not impossible to link responsibility to a ghost. This type of warfare tactic was adapted from the Scythian king and used against the Persian Army of Darius in the early 6th century. Darius lost and retreated without ever having a chance to fight because he could not get King Scythian to stop and fight and the reason for this was because the Scythians had no cities or cultivation for their enemies to destroy or take. They had nothing to defend, no assets to protect. If unions took on this practice, today’s court of law would have nothing to take from unions. Scythian said killing the enemy is easy, but it’s the finding of him that is difficult. This is as true today as ever. Your enemy will not meet you on your own terms, only on his and this is why as...

Words Matter

There are words that the 1 percent oligarchies do not want used by the wage slaves and the Have Nots. These words went through a kind of linguistic cleansing and then used against the ordinary person. Derogatory phrases like “working class,” “oligarchy,” “reserve army of labor plutocracy,” robber baron,” “ruling class,” “class warfare,” “Marx,” “Have Nots,” “Have Littles,” “living wage,” “sweat shops,” “Gilded Age,” “crony capitalism,” “social Darwinism,” “survival of the fittest.” It’s important to also understand the subliminal effect that these words has on our mental process, which occurs below the threshold of consciousness and how it can affect someone's mind without their being aware of it. If you hear a term enough times without giving consideration for what you’re actually hearing, you absorb it and repeat it not realizing you're propagating the enemy's message. These words or sayings were purposely excluded from print in many published material and solely exclu...

There's More to Ireland's Vote

The people of Ireland came together to show the world how people should be treated whether straight or gay. This vote by the people of Ireland could be the tipping point for the country’s recession and stop the move to more austerity measures. This 62 to 38 percent vote could reverse the economic state of Ireland. The proletarians of the world are watching Ireland and learning how and what it takes to win the impossible. In essence, Ireland took on the Catholic Church and won! Think of the economic implications of such a victory—gay people and their supporters will be flocking to Ireland to spend their money. Some battles we have won, some battles we are still fighting, like the autoworkers in Turkey, who are fighting about the discrepancies in wages paid at the different auto plants for the same work, and the autoworkers in the U.S., who are fighting against the two tiered wage system. Now, do you not think Turkish workers and U.S. workers are talking to each other and supporting each...

L.A.'s Slow Walking Minimum Wage Hike

The $15 minimum wage fight is gaining some ground, but when Los Angeles voted for a $15 an hour minimum wage all they did was slow down the momentum of the fight for the city wants to spread the wage hike out for five years—this is not good and will do more harm than good for the wage inequality fight. When the five years are up and workers are making $15 an hour minimum wage, inflation will negate the increase and workers will need a minimum wage of $18 to $20 an hour. The wage slaves need to demand $15 an hour NOW, not in five years, and a work week of 38 to 40 hours week paid sick leave, regular shifts so workers can plan for childcare or be able to further their education. The $15 an hour minimum wage, like Los Angeles, looks good in the newspaper headlines but the devil is in the details and the details do not look that good. The corporations are losing and what they are doing is just a tactical retreat until they can regroup and try to change public perception and by spreading ou...

Challenge the Establishment with Your Mobile Phones

We, wage slaves, need to start using our mobile phones, laptops and desk computers to better our lives economically and not just to visit social media sites or to play games. All—young and old wage slaves alike—must set aside some time each day to try to help our sister and brother toilers of the world, such as sending messages or starting Twitter trend or bombarding their website with protest messages to the Iranian government demanding the release of the trade unionists being held in prison for fighting for their civil rights to have a union bus company. The names of the union activists are: Davood Razavi, Ebrahim Madadi, and Mahoud Salehi. These toilers need to know they are not alone in the world. And in Budapest, Hungary, union leader Lazlo Benko was fired by a multinational transportation company, Hödlmayr International. We, toilers, need to send a message to the corporations that the world knows what they are doing. We need to show our disdain and outrage to the Kentey Manufact...

War Profiteers Owe Veterans

Our soldiers should be factored into the cost of wars just like the machines of war, like bullets, missiles, tanks, airplanes, ships, guns—large and small, clothes and all the high tech equipment. All of which corporations get very rich from and all these things are replaceable for a cost. But, most all the equipment is useless unless you have a human soldier to use the equipment. So why is it everyone gets rich, including the politicians and lobbyists and the soldiers are left holding the bag, begging for jobs when they are discharged or looking for mental or physical medical help, and a lot of times having to turn to charity when homeless. The costs to care for our veterans should be paid up front by the war racketeers and put into a trust for when the soldiers come home from the corporate-sponsored wars from whom we buy the machines of death and destruction. This concept of banking for the future could be administered like union pensions. We spend billions on the countries we inva...

Put Your Hands in Your Pockets

The $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage fight is winning with support of the United Healthcare workers #1199 SEIU. This can be effective by targeting the international corporations that pays low wages, such as McDonalds, Walmart, and clothing factories that supply U.S. stores and colleges. There are now hundreds of people and groups across the U.S. and worldwide who are speaking out for the world’s toilers. The wage slaves are showing the low-wage unsafe corporations there is no place to hide. All toilers are demanding what is their civil rights, which is a safe place to work, a living wage, dignity, vacation pay, pensions, healthcare, and a free education to the bachelor’s level, and if the world’s wage slaves can get this then maybe they can get safe drinking water, safe food, toilets, clean air—the things that make life bearable and can give hope that their children will have a better life than the present wage slaves. We, toilers, must understand it is up to us to stop the wars and t...

American City Council Exchange

Meet the American Legislative Exchange Council’s little brother, the American City Council Exchange The awakening of the silent low-wage workers may be driven by the new American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which is the group funded by the Koch brothers, who have bought state governments. The new Koch brothers funded organization, American City Council Exchange (ACCE) which has and intends to now buy local government. The anti-worker right wing has figured out that the biggest threat for a higher minimum wage of $15 to $18 is coming from the local level, cities and counties, which labor has known for a long time, but been slow to take advantage of. Cities are, in short, the home of the Democratic base and it is also labor’s base—the greater the population density the bluer they become. The anti-union GOP Koch brothers puppets also know this and the ACCE will hold its second annual meeting this summer on local labor issues, like minimum wage laws and collective bargaining. The...

Stingray & other Surveillances

Stingray with upgrades costs $640, 000. Stingrays are part of a post 9/11 push by the federal government to step up local police departments Intel gathering and coordination. Since 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has given more than $54 billion to local law enforcement in part for high tech surveillance equipment, like the Stingray, which eavesdrops on phone calls, and with an assortment of add-ons, like the Fish Hawk listens in on calls. The Harpoon broadens the Stingray’s range. The Amber-Jack antenna helps pinpoint individual phones. The King Fish analyzes call patterns, doing in one stroke. The U.S. military developed Stingray technology in the 1990s. The Local law enforcement started using it in 2003. There are at least 48 departments now using this technology. This type of surveillance monitoring and infiltrating of rallies, soap box speeches, arresting speakers and intimidating strikers, which even went as far as shooting demonstrators is not new. These types of tact...

Darden Restaurants Epitome of Greed

Countries that have a democracy-type of government have to be a country of laws and the laws must be equal for all. Of course, the laws are made by the government, who the people vote for. Here is the problem—with the laws now that let the 1 percent buy the people we elect and these elected politicians sit in the pockets of the corporations. This is how the restaurant lobby, run by Darden Restaurants, which is the largest owner of restaurants, such as Olive Garden, Yard House, Capital Grill, Bahama Breeze, Seasons 52, Longhorn Steakhouse, and Eddie V’s. It pays a base pay of $2.13 an hour; all other wages must come from tips. The $2.13 pay was a deal brokered between the restaurant lobby and Congressman John Boehner’s Republican Congress. The deal was that restaurant lobbyists would not oppose a little minimum wage hike and in turn the government would freeze the $2.13 base wage just for restaurants. Darden has 2,100 restaurants with 200,000 employees, and paid out $14 million in fines...

Until Workers Realize ...

If the U.S. and the world over ever want to see a robust middle class again there must be jobs where a worker earns a living wage and has a full-time job of at least 30 to 40 hours a week, which should be counted as a full time and eligible for benefits. Workers who have to work two or three jobs just to survive does not a life make. One must keep in mind that a minimum wage raise to $15 to $18 an hour will mean nothing if there is no union or way to fight for hours for even at 30 hours at $15 an hour is only $450 weekly gross. Employers cut hours, creating “McJobs,” but they keep hiring new workers—why? The answer is they are giving themselves a larger part–time pool, who are trained this way and if the wage slaves try to unionize employers think they will have union busters on hand. Also, the flexibility, which started about twenty years ago still works somewhat for white-collar workers, but is curse for blue-collar workers without a union because now the employers own the workers 2...

What Hate Looks Like

In all wars the one thing that always happens is the dehumanizing of the opponent—usually one side will lie and make up names and other propaganda to make the enemy look bad and the other side to look good, and usually each side is on the side of some god. The opponents will just throw crap on the walls to see what sticks or resonate and this type of war tactics has a long history. It is done because most humans have some compassion for each other, but in order to get the opponents to fight or even kill each other, the enemy must be seen as not worthy of living. Usually, this is done to the people lowest on the economic ladder and can be by race, religion or location. There were times in this country when the Irish, Chinese, Indians (both American and East), Italians, blacks, Philippines, or Japanese, were looked upon with disdain. Then there were the religious hate toward Jews, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims and Seventh-day Adventists. Then there is where people live, Ukraine comes to mi...