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Showing posts from June, 2015

Post Workists and What it Means

To change the abundance of labor in the world is to put more money in the pockets of the laborer to buy the products their fellow workers are making. Otherwise, when there are more products than money, there is slump in the economy. Austerity policies, low wages and automation (robots) were also of concern in the 1950s when Henry Ford II, CEO of Ford, took Walter Reuther, head of the United Auto Workers Union, on a tour of a new engine plant. Ford gestured to a fleet of new machines and said, “Walter, how are you going to get these robots to pay union dues?” The union leader turned to Ford and said, “Henry, how are you going to get robots to buy your cars?” This type of change in the labor has created a new type of working class that swings from task to task in order to make ends meet while enduring the loss of labor rights and bargaining rights. They are called “precariat” workers, a group of workers who live on the verge of collapse due to the instability of the nature of their jobs...

Honduras & Chile Set Example

In Honduras, the people are done with graft, crooked politicians and greed. With thousands in the street, they are marching to get their president to leave office and be replaced by a new, honest government. Is this what the U.S. government is headed for? If the 1 percent oligarchies can and have bought most of the governments from the federal level to the city level. It looks and sounds not much different from Honduras, maybe under different names, but the results are the same. The 97 percent of the people have lost control of their government with the loss of their vote that is now bought by billionaires. For example, to pass the Trans Pacific Partnership, congressmen John Boehner received $5.3 million; Kevin McCarthy received $2.4 million; Paul Ryan $2.4 million; and Pat Tiberi $1.6 million for their yes votes. The fight against money in politics is now fought in the streets and when this happens the blame will be in the heads of the money people who pay lobbyists. In the long run t...

Subsidize Workers Not Corporations

Steps needed to revive the Have Nots and Have Littles to a middle class status include income inequality, which the movement for $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage will help with opportunity inequality. With more money and time, workers would have time to take night classes to improve their chances for a better job and will have more time when they don’t have to work two or three part-time jobs. Then the workers need childcare, vacations and some type of pension, which will follow them from job to job like a hybrid Social Security without changing the present Social Security system. The fly in the ointment is there is just not enough jobs worldwide and here in the U.S. and there will be even less after the passage of Trans Pacific Partnership. The capitalist system depends on the proletarians who need to be adequately compensated for their labor to have money to buy the products the capitalist system sales, which ironically are made by the labor of the proletarians. One way is a hybrid...

Wage Slaves Pay Oligarchies' Taxes

The very rich oligarchies buy countries, states and local governments and then pass their anti-tax policies, which over time leaves the government with not enough tax revenue to pay bills or maintain infrastructure and they then often opt for pension holidays to make ends meet, skipping payments to the pension funds. Over time this has created large unfunded pension liabilities in effected countries, like Greece and cities like Detroit, and maybe Chicago is next to borrow money from pensioners to make up for revenue shortfalls after giving corporations and the wealthy tax breaks. Now austerity hawks are using these unfunded liabilities to argue slashing pensions even though it was their own anti-tax policies that caused the problem. While it is sound public policy to use debt to fund long-term capital projects, it is deeply problematic when governments are forced to borrow money to deal with revenue shortfalls. It is even more problematic when they are doing so as a result of a concert...

Labor Needs a Worldwide Movement

Labor needs a worldwide movement and now is the time for the world’s labor and the proletarians are ready. Labor needs to be unified, such as Germany, South Africa and Brazil. The U.S. unions need to have a better unified political agenda. The this time is ranked at the bottom in workers’ rights by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). We rank four out of five in ITUC’s categories, and the ones who are five have no rule of law, like Somalia and Ukraine. The fours also include countries like Iraq, Peru, and Mexico. This should be a reality check for the U.S. unions. This was started when the AFL and the CIO merged in 1955 and never could agree on a common strategy for the common good of labor, but maybe labor is starting to wake up to the reality that labor needs to bring everyone into its fold. A good start is the $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage, which will probably be won by the people using Sycthanian tactics with significant structural reform in American politi...

If the IMF Says Greed is Bad, It's Bad

Once again the oligarchies want to throw the old wage slaves under their greedy bus regarding the Greek pensions. This just shows the disdain the greedy money people think of the worker and this goes on all over the world--just look at Ukraine and Turkish miners. It is bad enough that the people who are working and driving the capitalist system of today are being deprived of their civil/human rights. This has always been the fight and workers understand this war, but when the world’s oligarchs start a war on the retired workers who are just barely making it on their earned pensions just like the governor of Wisconsin and mayor of Chicago, Illinois, are doing here. This type of conduct will not be tolerated much longer and when present wage slaves see there is no hope now or in the future when they get too old to work, what do the greedy money-grubbing GOP anti-union people think the wage slaves of the world will do? At this time we in the free world have enough enemies so why in the ...

No Jobs, Pay For the Commons

There are just not enough jobs that pay a living wage in the world, which helps perpetuate the wage inequality and the opportunity inequality. If the world is to stay with the present capitalist system it will have to change to a hybrid system of capitalism and wages will have to be supplemented by non-labor cash or the equivalent of such. The non-labor cash is out there just not collected yet. It is could be called co-owned wealth, one could be rent from financial infrastructure, which financial firms pay nothing at this time, and another is air, which gets into carbon that causes the most harm in the atmosphere for carbon absorption. Then there is the intellectual property protection within the U.S and the worldwide, which corporations pay nothing. These are our Commons. There is also the electromagnetic spectrum used for radio, television and mobile phones. A 20 percent value added fee on those spectrum intensive industries would generate $84 billion for dividends to pay rent to the...

New Threat: Center on Reinventing Public Education

There is a new attack, among the never ending attacks, on the proletarians. The 1 percent is relentless in their hate and contempt for the wage slaves, unions and Have Nothings. These people represent the Chamber of Commerce, American Manufacturing Association, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), American City Council Exchange (ACCE) and now a new threat: the Center on Reinventing Public Education (CRPE). This is a secret group that wants to take over our school systems. This education reform powerhouse is funded by people like the Koch brothers, who would like to break the teachers’ union and be the people who decides school curriculum. They would destroy the public education system and replace it with a private school with a voucher system and do away with school boards that would be replaced with corporate board who want to see a good bottom line for their investments. This would be their number one priority and the students are an afterthought, taught right-wing thinking ...

GOP Usurping Laws of the Land

The Have Nots Used to Haves and Have Littles fight for opportunity and wage inequality has a new threat. The GOP has found a way to take away the courts, which could rule in favor of the little people or in favor of a labor disagreement. How? By usurping the laws of the land. Just take a look at what Kansas Governor Sam Brownback told his state Supreme Court that if they did not rule the way he wants he will stop funding for the entire court system. If the people think they can use their vote to rectify this atrocity think again. Brownback is one step ahead of the proletariats. He just passed a law that gives Secretary of State Kris Kobach the power to prosecute whoever he thinks has committed voter fraud even if they did not. This is just to send a message that if a voter has any doubt about their voter identification to vote this will stop a lot of potential voters from even going to the polls. The GOP in other states are watching and will probably try the same thing. So this is why ...

What the Gini Coefficient Means

How and why is there such a he gap between the Haves and Have Nots, which exacerbates inequality of lifestyle and wages and promotes a death spiral of the Have Nots by a very uneven playing field in education and healthcare? Without good paying jobs, poor educational opportunities and no healthcare, the poor find themselves in a very dark hole with no ladder to climb out. Faced with this, people go to the servile mode to survive and will do whatever to survive. It is the survival of the fittest, which is one step away from war. The money people who could change this just keep hording more money and depressing the proletariats more by trying to stop unions and taking away their voting rights with voter identification gimmicks. This attack on the workers here in the U.S. is the same thing going on all over the world. If the capitalist system is going to survive the 1 percent must make some changes and invest in using their cash to create manufacturing jobs and not just shifting paper fro...

Beware of ALEC & ACCE

The offshoot of the American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC is the American City County Exchange or ACCE. ALEC operates at the state level while ACCE is at the city/county and both are the product of the Koch brothers, etc., to create legislation for these government levels. This is where the low-wage corporations expect to beat back minimum wage hikes. If the wage hikes do become law in cities, then ALEC will pass laws to stop the wage hikes at the state level and these laws will supersede city laws. This type of strategy will also be used against unions. To write Right to Work laws, they will take away the cities’ local control and right to protect themselves against ways to save their water, air, and environmental laws, such as Austin, Texas’ plastic bag ordinance, which was overrule by the ALEC-controlled state government. At this time in the U.S., of the 10 most populous cities, only San Diego, CA, has a Republican mayor, all the rest are Democrats. But the anti-workers, ant...