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Showing posts from December, 2018

Trump is Hurting the U.S.

When Trump said he was going to make America great again, he was referring to his own bank account not yours. While he and his grifter family members are making millions at our expense, the 90 percent of us are circling the drain. What a lot of Trump’s supporters don’t understand, is that at the behest of the GOP, he is deliberately putting people in top positions to run our programs into the ground to bankrupt the country so we can no longer afford the programs President Franklin D. Roosevelt put into place that dragged us out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. The greed of Trump and the rich knows no bounds, and they are eating their seed corn by attacking unions and minimum wage. For those not familiar with this old saying, it simply means that every seed you sow has the potential to either be eaten right then or planted for next year's crop. As a farmer, you must ensure you have enough seed corn to replant your fields, but if you eat your seed corn, you’ve got nothing to pl...