Wonder why the GOP is so afraid of the words, “Class Warfare”? Could it be because the class in “working class” out number the rich class and this explains why the rich has always done its best to split the working class into two groups, one being those who vote against their own best interests and those who see through the efforts. This practice started in the 1600s when the rich used First Nations and African hostages against the white settlers to build this country. As new people came from around the world immigrated to this country, such as people from Poland, Ireland, Italy, Asia, and so on, the rich tried to get them to fight amongst each other. The smart workers, like the International Workers of the World (IWW), saw through this ploy and how well it was working for the rich. The answer to this practice was a single word, “Solidarity,” which became the battle cry of the IWW and other unions. Soon, the very rich started to devise plans to split the unions and get them fighting...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.