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Showing posts from July, 2021

This is Not a Drill

The GOP’s plan to take the country and kill our way of government is an old plan and it has worked in Cuba, it even worked for the U.S. to win its independence from England. China also used this plan by starting in the hills and staying away from the big cities until the leaders had a solid base in the country. The GOP started its plotting in the early 1980s. They wanted to win all local governmental seats, like water and fire boards, school boards of trustees, city councils, county supervisors and all law enforcement command elections. They stayed in small towns and got all GOP people elected. Then they got elected to state positions and went after the unions by getting right to work laws passed. Every state that has implemented right to work laws has seen the standard of living for its people decline. The GOP used to not talk much about this plan, but now they are public about it and flaunt their successes. In a Shasta County, a small county in northern California, they are now thr...

Our Government's Future

Lose your democracy and you will lose your rights to have guns, free speech or even the right to assemble in a group. Most people are not paying attention to how precarious a situation our country is in right now thanks to the GOP, corporations using Donald Trump’s insatiable greed and disregard for the principles this country was founded upon. The U.S. has outlived our democracy by a long time. From the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli in the Prince, Machiavelli writes there are three types of government: principality, aristocracy and democracy. However, there are actually six types of government because principality can easily become tyranny; aristocracy can become an oligarchy with ease; and a democracy can turn into an anarchy with little effort. This is where we find ourselves today—on the edge. We’ve seen it Washington, D.C., recently when they wanted to kill our elected Congressional members and even Vice President Pence. So, what kind of government would these insurrectionists ...