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Showing posts from November, 2022

Slave Labor Act

To be a labor organizer under the ‘slave labor act’ otherwise known as the Taft-Hartley Act of 1946, the ideal organizer should have the essential talents of a variety of occupational specialties. He or she should be part missionary, part salesperson, part politician, part counselor, part teacher, part psychologist while also being connected and be part lawyer. This is what is needed to be done. United States Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes ruled on the National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp 301. In his ruling, he said, “Long ago we stated the reason for labor organizations. We said that they were organized out of the necessities of the situation that a single employee was helpless in dealing with an employer that he or she was dependent ordinarily on his or hers daily wage for the maintenance of themselves and their family; that if the employer refused to pay him the wages that he thought fair, he was nevertheless unable to leave the employe...

Running Out of Time

Our country could go from a democracy to a dictatorship if the Republicans take the House, Senate and Presidency starting on Tuesday and into the 2024 elections. If the Republicans win, we could conceivably lose all of our social services, Social Security, Medicare, right to unions, among others. Should the working people, retired and unions members just wait for this to happen or start planning on how to keep our democracy or return fully to it? We will need a strategy on how and what we need to do. But first, we must find the right-wing GOP’s Achilles Heel. The Classical Greek myth illustrates well the vulnerability of the supposedly invulnerable, the warrior Achilles. The myth states no blow could injure and no sword could penetrate Achilles’s skin. When still a baby , Achilles’ mother dipped him into the waters of the magical river, Styx, resulting in the protection of his body from all dangers. There was however, a problem. The mother held Achilles by his heel and the waters of t...