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Showing posts from June, 2024

Your Sides or the Billionaires?

Union members need to answer just one question. Who do they think is looking out for them and their families? This the same question non-union workers should be asking themselves. Even retired workers and those workers who can’t work should be asking themselves. Now, labor knows the GOP does not want unions, and their billionaire supporters want all unions gone because unions are the only army large enough to slow down the billionaire from taking over this country. Union and non-union workers members now must pick which side they are on and if it is unions then they need to do all they can, like vote for who supports them. And then work with all unions to win in the 2024 election. If we lose this election, we will lose the life we have now for unions will be one of the first protections to go, followed by voting rights. We will not be able to go to the streets to protest against laws that abridge our rights. The next six months will be the life or death of the working people and union