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David vs Goliath

Labor’s war is a David vs Goliath fight, but sometimes Goliath wins the battle but ultimately David will win the war, and here is one way it can be done in rural areas. Small towns that sit 40 to 50 miles away from larger cities have power for the low-wage workers have power for the low wage workers have nothing to lose for they have nothing, so they can and should use that nothing, which is a power, for better working conditions, such as good wages, regular working hours, healthcare—maybe even childcare. Employees can withhold their labor or just move. Businesses don’t have that option. So, labor in small towns should stand together for a good minimum wage and benefits. Wages should be $26 per hour. Given the income corporations are raking in today, they can well afford to pay their employees better. Healthcare workers, food workers, house keeping and any worker in town can join the town union (as the UAW has shown) and the unions could be the ones to join: fire, police and country
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Union or Project 2025

We have an election in two months, where the hell are the building Trade Unions? Members and organizers should be touting their wages, benefits and seeking out new members and union shops. So far, I’m only hearing crickets. While the Trade Unions sit back, the UAW have been striking and winning big benefits for their members. Then there is the Teamsters, who have taken on the Holy Grail—Amazon, the corporation. Again, just crickets from the Trade Unions. Then there is the Minnesota State model—-we can win more together than we can on our own. So why are all unions not working together? Why are all unions not talking with each other? There are two months left until the election—an election that could conceivably be the death null of unions. If we lose this election to the GOP, Trump and Project 2025, our unions will be destroyed and we’ll be back to the days of trying to make ends meet as the GOP will cut our wages, benefits will be eliminated and there will be nothing we can do abou

Unions 'for the people.'

The success of the GOP has been its long game. They started what they call “The Transformations” during the Reagan’s election to reshape the American Society. Now they have Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aka Trump’s shadow government, which is essentially Project 2025, but Trump’s version. Labor and the working people are the only ones who can beat back these regressive, anti-worker plans. Labor must take these remaining 80-plus days before the election and organize more members. If your union doesn’t have the need or resources to expand to expand their unions then at least support others who want a union or are on the picket line, like Cornell University employees. This could be labor’s last stand. In 80 days, all bets are off if the GOP wins. Your vote could be the one that wins to keep labor unions and Social Security fore retirees or your vote could take it away and Project 2025 will be the law of the land. We, in labor, must start to defend our union jobs and our pensions and learn h

Vote Blue for You

If you are a union worker or wanting to start a union where you work, there will never be a better time to go for better pay and benefits. At this time we have a president and president-to-be walking picket lines supporting union workers—this has never happened in my eighty-three years. Shawn Fain, president of the UAW union, knows this and is making the most of it by winning and, let’s face it, all people like to be on a winning team. All unions should be stepping up for their members and those wanting to be union members. All union members must vote down the GOP and its Project 2025 and Agenda 47 plans, which will destroy our unions and the nonunion minimum wage even your dad and mom’s and even your Social Security will be gone. This is the time to put all differences aside and vote blue to keep our country as it is for all of us. There is always time down the road to make changes and build upon what we have as needed, but to do this we must keep our country of laws that support all

What Project 2025 Means to Unions

Could union members lose their pensions plus their Social Security? Yes, they can if Project 2025 is acted upon. As unions are distracted by the right to work states and soon the whole country by the attacks from all sides, it could happen. If they succeed in implementing Project 2025, the right to own a gun will become against the law. There will be no working union people to keep their unions solvent resulting in people losing their union pensions and their Social Security. This is the plan of the GOP and corporations is to rid the country of unions and if Project 2025 is implement we can kiss pensions, safe working conditions and laws and protecting our children from slave labor goodbye. Already, the large corporations think unions are irrelevant and with owning the Supreme Court, they are mostly right. It is now or never for our members to push our union leaders to close ranks for the fight of our life time. We need two plans: one to stop the GOP and its Project 2025 plan, and a

What You Lose With Project 2025

The GOP are already checking off things on their Project 2025 list. What we will end up with is a master class and a subject class, which to you think you will be in? If you are reading this then you probably will be in the subject class, the ones who will ruled by the master class—the very rich who has just bought the U.S. Supreme Court and our government. Now, for our gun owners, do you think the rich ruling class is going to let the subject class run around with all of our guns? No. They will have to get them by force if necessary so the rich will feel safe. They will also have to get rid of all unions and labor laws. As long as the GOP has control of the courts they can just make new laws or change existing laws that work for them and the billionaire class. Now, the best the subjects or 99 percent is for you to do at this time is vote. Vote for what is good for you and your family, and at this time we still don’t have to tell them who we voted for so just vote for what is right an

What Project 2025 & Agenda 47 means to Us.

Will we have a democracy in 2025 or a dictatorship? We are one vote either way. There are times in life when we must put aside our own beliefs and do what must be done for the betterment of all of us and our way of life, such as having unions, free speech, healthcare, Social Security/Medicare in retirement and good education for all. If Project 2025 and Agenda 47 go into effect, all bets are off. Project 2025 is a 920-page mandate for leadership that Trump’s handlers want to become law. All of this will be done at their discretion and we will not be able to go to the streets to protest and if we do, we will be shot like Trump wanted to do to protesters when he was in office. Project 2025 would include firing all Department of State heads by the end of the day on Jan. 20, 2025. Senior State Department appointment leaders will be acting roles so they won’t need Senate confirmation. The plan is a collection of policy transition plans should Trump succeed in stealing the election again, a