Redding public union workers are under fire and so are other city workers in the state. Costa Mesa just laid off 213 city employees and outsourced 18 city services; among them firefighters. One city worker who received a pink slip jumped to his death from the civic center in Costa Mesa, Friday, March 18, 2011. This is one cost of outsourcing. Some people in Redding now want a charter city, which will give the city a way to get rid of union workers rights and Project Labor Agreements. This will also give the cities the way to stop paying prevailing wages, which was established under the Davis-Bacon Act (both of whom were Republicans). The relentless attacks on workers is not going to stop until we are all aware to what is happening and start fighting back. There are many peaceful ways to do this, such as the way we vote. We only have to look at the history of labor to see how our union forefathers and mothers gained the rights that are now under attack. In Record Searchlight’s Mar...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.