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Showing posts from September, 2012

The Corporate Oligarchies’ Plan

The corporate oligarchies’ plan is to turn the American worker into an uneducated, underclass, subsistent wage slaves, which will put the American Dream out of reach. Even at this time the Dream is a lie still being told to our young people today. The money hogs’ worship of profits has brought a plague upon our country, the environment, and our cities. While the oligarchies are doing this to us, the Wall Street speculators loot and pillage to the point we now know their plan and whether they know it or not it is a self-destructive plan. We will have to help them self-destruct for the oligarchies are working out of the old play book where they want to feed us 24-hour television and run up our credit card debt, work to pay off our loans and be grateful for the scrapes the corporations GOP toss us. That is their old short-term strategy, but we, the 99%, and unions have a grand strategy that is nonviolent shift in power by attacking the columns that hold up the power structure. Those colu...

Once a Wage Slave ...

Wage slaves want and need their share of the obscene profits that they have made for the 1%. The 1% may be the ones with the bank accounts, but the 1% would not have their wealth if not for the wage slaves who made the products that were sold to fill the 1%s’ coffers. We wage slaves are the ones who buy most of the goods being made or grown as food with this said we need to remind ourselves that wages have slipped or remained flat for four decades. One of the reasons unions have been slipping is because of a large fragmentation in the character of American liberalism. Labor must make progress with our wage-slave community and not at the expense of our non-union wage slaves. When union workers get a large wage increase we are blamed for inflation and high prices, which is in itself wrong for the more money made the more we spend and the more products must be made so more jobs and overtime, but we union must be able to explain and define this or we will become but an island of well-bein...

Labor Party

When does the labor start looking at building the party of labor to represent all wage slaves who want to join? We start with the assets we have on hand our dues paying members then when we have the members and money we started electing people who will defend labor wage slaves and see if the Democrats want to join us if so then we would build a 50/50 partnership with one side having 51 percent one year or two and then the other side having the 51 percent for an equal amount of time if they want. If we win this November we need for the Democrats to show us what they can and are willing to do to educate and grow our labor movement. If they, the Democratic Party, do not back the wage slaves and 99 percent, then we need to promote our unions and tell the wage slaves what we have done and what we can and will do for our fellow working families. If we have to start a new party so be it, but if the Democratic Party wants to partner with us then good. But, either way labor has to start rebuil...

Was Henry Ford smarter than the Walton family?

Was Henry Ford smarter than the Walton family the Walmart owners? Henry Ford was ruthless in his opposition to unions and union contracts, hiring thugs called “Ford Service Workers,” who used any and all manner of force to keep out unions for years. But when Ford settled his first union contracts with the auto workers it was one of the best union contracts in the U.S. When reporters asked Ford why he settled and why at such a good wage, Ford told them he wanted his workers to be able to afford to buy his cars. This kind of thinking is what made the Middle Class; but the Walmart people do not see what Henry Ford saw: the workers as customers. Walmart sees workers as cheap labor. Underpaid labor does not buy TVs, and other luxury items. They just barely can buy their necessities. Could this be the reason Walmart started selling food? The low wages Walmart pays and the enticements for workers to spend their meager earnings is akin to the days when companies owned the houses and stores whe...

GOP has Buyer’s Remorse

Mitt Romney has no chance to be honestly elected for he has no solid base. His so-called base is very uneasy about his religion, his ability to make decisions and stick with those decisions. His inability to stick with decision means there will never be stability in long range planning. No one can be sure what he would do in one or four years down the road. And when the oligarchies invest millions and millions of dollars in something they expect a greater return on their investment. This explains one reason why Romney is flip-flopping. The GOP money people are starting to get nervous, which is good for us 99%, but we must not back down on our agenda and stay focused on winning. When the GOP is losing it makes them do more desperate things. We should keep the pressure on, but not scare them into some crazy response that Democrats will have to respond to. At this time we, the 99%, might just win the presidency and enlarge our numbers in the Senate and House, and ultimately gain us a maj...

Time to Fight

Now is the time for the Democrats and unions and all wage slaves to attack because the GOP is in disarray. We, the workers, must now also demand what we want in return for our services to the Democratic politicians. And we also must explain to our fellow wage slaves what we will get for our money and time. One thing we deserve is: card check for unions, which will enlarge union membership and tighten up the National Labor Relations Board laws. And for the nonunion workers and their families some of the things we would be looking very hard at the trend of 39-hour work weeks to keep workers off pensions, healthcare, vacation and overtime. Another area to look at is the temporary hiring agencies, which take advantage of the workers desperate for work. The money that the employer pays the temp agency would be more money the worker could earn. The temp agency is a middle man and why are they needed if not for greed? We, the proletarians, need to know just what we are fighting for and tell e...

Why's the GOP Anti-worker now?

Why and when did the GOP become so anti-worker? The Chamber of Commerce, which is GOP dominated and a few unknowing Democrats, has always been against workers having a living wage. At one time there were a few GOP elected presidents that were for wage slaves, healthcare, workers safety laws, environmental laws, and the right for workers to have unions. This was when they, the corporate-run GOP, needed our workers and at that time they just wanted to keep unemployment at a 6 percent or higher unemployment. The reason for the 6 percent and higher was when unemployment reaches 5 percent or lower then the workers would be in a better position to fight for better working conditions, such as pay, pensions, healthcare, work place safety. But now with NAFTA, outsourcing jobs overseas, the corporations don’t care about the unemployment percentage. The GOP politicians don’t care and have no intention to help working class people. Now the large U.S. corporations have traded away their loyalty fr...