National Chamber Legislation Center (NCLC) has brought cases to the U.S. Supreme Court and won 68 percent of the time. The U.S. Supreme Court traditionally agrees to hear fewer than 2 percent of the cases it receives for review. In the 2010/11 term, the NCLC urges the Court to review 30 cases and won 21 of these cases. A stunning 70 percent and this term they are eight for eight so far.
There is no way that labor will ever win a case at the U.S. Supreme Court level – not until the wage slaves elect a president who will change the Court. We need at least one justice who will level the Court. With a labor push against the Walmarts, there will be court cases headed to the Supreme Court and the cases will be represented by the NCLC for the corporations, and labor at this time will not win before this Court. However, if the cases take one to two years to get to the Supreme Court and if we win in November this could all change for us wage slaves.
If the Courts do change for labor, we need to bring our pro labor cases before the Court and rebuild the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) laws and get card check so we can start organizing workers into unions and educate them into good union people who will fight for middle class families’ way of life.
With the battle of workers against Walmart starting, we will start having people and cases headed to court for years to come. I hope with the election it will be labors chance like we had when we got the New Deal, Social Security, Medicare, NLRB and union rights passed. It is our chance and may be our last chance.
Unions’ long game is to get all union contracts to expire on the same day nationwide. The United Auto Workers combines contracts ends on April 28, 2028. This could then result in a mass national strike starting on May Day beeginning that year. This could then put enormous pressure on employers, but also on lawmakers. It’s the muscle and sweat of the workers that keeps this country great, not the individual company or corporations. This May Day strike would be the time to change the workers’ world for the better by negotiating for a 32-hour week with the same pay, and the U.S. adopts a healthcare for all with no out of pocket costs. This would also help the employers as they would no longer have to provide healthcare. By striking, the UAW won same pay for new workers, all UAW contracts will end on the same date, a 25-percent pay increase, a cost of living adjustments, a guaranteed right to strike over potential plant closures, and also the right to vote to unionize through the card che...
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