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Showing posts from October, 2014

Black Friday Protests Planned

Stand with Walmart workers this BLACK FRIDAY! All across the country the UFCW and Walmart employees are scheduling Black Friday protests to bring attention to the unfair and inhumane treatment Walmart workers receive from this company. Walmart rakes in more than $16 billion in annual profits yet the most of its workers earn less than $25,000 a year, forcing them to either work more jobs or to receive government assistance. The dream of a national strike or protest about wages and workers’ rights, like France and other countries do, has always been thought of as impossible here in the U.S. Now with large mass corporations like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Burger King, which are all across the U.S., it’s now feasible to have a national protests on the Black Friday. So far this year at least 27 Walmarts across the U.S. are scheduled to have Black Friday protests and we can only hope there will be more at other corporations that are exposed for paying slave wag...

Bolivia, an Example to Follow

When losing the war, the opposition takes advantage of the latest scare tactic, anything from ISIS to Ebola, to change the focus of the debate and hope the public will just fade away and lose interest. The media, if it weren’t owned by the same few corporations, would keep the focus on by labeling the topics as unfinished business, just like it is done on a business agenda for meetings. Agendas always separate the items by discussion and action items, and ends with unfinished business. Unfinished business can be tabled to the next meeting or the next day. At this time, the most feared movement, which puts terror in the hearts of the 1 percent, is the war on inequality. The 1 percent hopes the subject of inequality will lose its steam by forcing the public to focus on storms, killings, stock market, election polls, and anything else. So the wage slaves must always find a way to refocus the debate back to the fight for a minimum wage of $15 to $18 an hour. It’s like making a snowball ro...

Inequality: Worldwide Scourge

Inequality is the scourge of the U.S. and the world. Just ask French economist Thomas Piketty, or U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen or many intelligent business leaders, and they will tell you that inequality is at its highest in a hundred years. Inequality is the Ebola of the capitalist system, which bleeds out the 99 percent so the 1 percent can continue to make its obscene profits. Just like Ebola, the capitalist system and its inequality is spreading worldwide and it is or will affect everyone if not stopped. When the proletarians have no money to buy the services and goods that the wage slaves produce then the unemployment grows, which puts a larger burden on government. The government has less money because there are fewer taxpayers at every level. Inequality is a black hole, which will get deeper and larger until it sucks all and everyone into it bringing along with it frustrations, fear and uncertainty, and this is where the breeding grounds are created for the groups li...

1 Percent Decides What's Mainstream

Workers have the right in a capitalist system to make money and better their lives and the lifestyles of their families. But if working for wages or owning a business, which makes money, there comes with it a responsibility of how it is used or spent. It should not be used to destroy, it should be used to build and enhance the community and living standards for all, and this will not happen if the 1 percent just sits on their cash or worse yet, hides it to not pay their share for using our commons. The most important fact to appreciate is that the concentrated wealth translates into concentrated political power. The remedies that could reverse the increasing inequality are outside the mainstream politics today because the wealthy 1 percent gets to define what’s mainstream. This is why we need a wage hike of at least $15 to $18 an hour, more full-time jobs with benefits, such as healthcare, pensions, and free education for all. There are comparisons to draw from, such as Denmark or Fin...

Worldwide Command Center Needed

Why do the wage slaves of the world continue to stand still for the way corporations like WalMart treat their workers? When they pay “starvation wages,” work their employees part time to keep from paying benefits and now cutting part-time workers’ health coverage. This latest move affects 30,000 employees or about 5 percent of their workers. This follows on the decisions by Target, Home Depot and others to completely eliminate health benefits for part-time workers, which also pay “starvation wages.” These corporations could not stay in business without the work of the Have Nots, Have Littles and Have Nothing. As long as we shop at these businesses they have no reason to change their business practices of screwing over the lowly workers. Instead, they’re letting the public, the Have Littles and the Not Have Much foot the bill for the low-wage workers to receive food stamps and other government assistance that the workers wouldn’t need if they were paid a living wage. When we subsidize ...

Worldwide Update

The young people have started to join up with what is left of the old toilers. The young will be a formidable force for they have nothing to lose in this fight and everything to again. Look at Hong Kong where the young man, Joshua Wong, who started planning the current protest when he was just 15 years old and in two years of planning, put the protest in motion. He now, at age 17, is the same age that most governments like their soldiers to be because most young people this age think they are invincible. These are or can be the shock troops of the non-violent civil disobedience way to win the 99 percent over the 1 percent war. Now we just have to wait and hope for women equal to or better than Joshua Wong, who is leading the protest in Hong Kong, and hope that his arrest is just temporary, and if not then have them step up to the challenge and keep fighting. The toilers of the world are indeed on the march worldwide. There were hundreds of thousands marching in New York, USA, against ...

Assault on Nova Scotia & Colorado/Free Joshua Wong

Nova Scotia’s Bill 1 is an anti-democratic and union busting bill. It is a concerted attack on healthcare workers. This is on the heels of Bill 37, passed in April, striped 40,000 healthcare workers of their right to strike. The attacks on our wage slaves are never ending and they are worldwide and here in the USA. For example, at Cablevision, which hates unions, management fired a worker of 11 years with the company who was trying to form a union. This worker joined 22 others who were illegal fired for working to form a union. Also the people of Hong Kong are still in the streets, but how long before China cracks down on them? One of the protesters leaders is a courageous 17-year-old man, Joshua Wong. He knows he’s fighting for his and other young people’s futures and it’s an all or nothing situation at this point. He is the hope for the younger generation. He has been arrested, and we must all keep him in our thoughts and pressure the government to release him. World Day for Decent ...