Why do the wage slaves of the world continue to stand still for the way corporations like WalMart treat their workers? When they pay “starvation wages,” work their employees part time to keep from paying benefits and now cutting part-time workers’ health coverage. This latest move affects 30,000 employees or about 5 percent of their workers. This follows on the decisions by Target, Home Depot and others to completely eliminate health benefits for part-time workers, which also pay “starvation wages.”
These corporations could not stay in business without the work of the Have Nots, Have Littles and Have Nothing. As long as we shop at these businesses they have no reason to change their business practices of screwing over the lowly workers. Instead, they’re letting the public, the Have Littles and the Not Have Much foot the bill for the low-wage workers to receive food stamps and other government assistance that the workers wouldn’t need if they were paid a living wage.
When we subsidize corporations, we are letting the billionaires off the hook and they pocket our money. There is only one winner, the oligarchies. If the workers cannot get representation from a union then we must elect people who will tax the rich at a fair rate to offset the corporate welfare. This is an election year in the U.S. This is our chance to voice our needs, such as $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage, free education to the bachelor level, single-payer healthcare, and the right to join or form a union.
Most of these workers’ concerns are worldwide, and are not new. I think we have a better chance now that the workers worldwide see what each other are doing to improve their work lives and how we are to bring about the changes. If all the dots get connected one day the proletariats of the world will change things.
Every worker needs to stay in touch worldwide: six of the seven continents: Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, and North and South Americas and all the island countries. Imagine a control center—a point where leaders can collect information on corrupt corporations and set up teams to work together with the logistic support, planning finance—it could be in any country. It could be set up like fire departments/services with incident command systems, which could call team members together in a short time and each member is trained for a particular job, like communication, public relations, finance, planning, logistics, intel, recruitment. It can be done and should be done.
If Occupy can pull enough money together to pay off people’s medical bills and student loans, a way can be conceived to finance a command center.
At the time I wrote this post I was unaware that someone else was thinking along the same lines as I. In the latest edition of the Militant is a short story of Maggie Trowe, called the Picket Line editor, writes On the Picket Line for the Militant. She is requesting people keep her informed on developments so the Militant can keep people informed and know the outcome of struggles. She can be reached at the Militant by e-mail: themilitant@mac.com, by telephone: 212-244-4899, or by mail: 306 W. 37th St., 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018.
This is the beginning of the formation of a command center.
We have an election in two months, where the hell are the building Trade Unions? Members and organizers should be touting their wages, benefits and seeking out new members and union shops. So far, I’m only hearing crickets. While the Trade Unions sit back, the UAW have been striking and winning big benefits for their members. Then there is the Teamsters, who have taken on the Holy Grail—Amazon, the corporation. Again, just crickets from the Trade Unions. Then there is the Minnesota State model—-we can win more together than we can on our own. So why are all unions not working together? Why are all unions not talking with each other? There are two months left until the election—an election that could conceivably be the death null of unions. If we lose this election to the GOP, Trump and Project 2025, our unions will be destroyed and we’ll be back to the days of trying to make ends meet as the GOP will cut our wages, benefits will be eliminated and there will be nothing we can do abou...
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