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Showing posts from January, 2015

Our Rights Sold to Highest Bidder

This could be the year of the Have Nots, Have Littles and even the Used to Haves. The year 2015 will have some good things moving for them, such as in many places the $15 to $18 an hour minimum wage has or is being adopted and other wages hikes are being slow walked. Gas prices have put a little extra money in the pockets of U.S. wage slaves. Finally there is talk of free junior college education for everyone, even old people! There is healthcare for more people than ever before. There is a pushback against law enforcement brutality against blacks, poor and anyone recording them. And it looks like Anonymous has our backs. It also looks like workers the world over are talking to each other and supporting each other, like Hong Kong, Ukraine, France, UK, Turkey, Greece, Africa, Canada, Mexico and South America; but, we need to get ready for spring and the fight ahead. The wealthy are going to fight back with everything they have and they are experts in convincing the average person to...

Will California Be the Next Wisconsin

Will California be the next Wisconsin? Will all labor unions be gutted by ‘right to work’ for less laws? Well, this could very well happen for the members of some of the largest unions who are voting Republican, which by name are anti-union and supporting the anti-union candidates just because now it is not popular to belong to a union, and the Right has hijacked the hunting and fishing or owning guns. Postal workers have lost already when they supported Congressman Darrel Issa, who then pulled a Reagan and went after the Postal workers unions and began closing down post offices. Then there are the California Forestry and Fire Prevention (Cal Fire), who have a very good union with excellent benefits and again, a lot of their members are afraid to say they are union members and if they vote for Democrats or liberal candidate, but most vote Republican. The numbers of people in unions or receiving union pensions watch Fox (non-news) and believe the crap it spews about unions or their lea...

Governments and Idiots

Working people should look very long and hard when there is talk of splitting a state or country or when they are thinking of a coup or changing a country’s leaders. First, follow the money to find why and who is it—a corporation behind it. Is another country behind it? Is it an old or new political party behind it? Then what are the benefits to the wage slave? Will it be a better life, more food, better healthcare, job safety, voting rights, better education, more job selections, and if none or all of these are not on the plus side then we might start asking questions before supporting a candidate, political party or ballot measures. The workers might end up in a religious controlled country or state with an unbearable life or in a civil war like Syria or Iraq or Libya or some other country like Somalia. Even here in the U.S. there is a faction that wants to split California into two states, one of which would be called the State of Jefferson. There is a symbol they use, XX, which a...

Line in Sand Now a Canyon

About 30 years ago there was a line drawn in the sand between the Haves and Have Nots, and with the years the line got deeper until it was a ditch, but then in the last 10 years the line became a canyon with very little way for the Have Nots to get across. There seems to be some sand being put into the canyon, such as the President trying to get free education to the junior college level for everyone; there are some new labor laws from the National Labor Relations Board, which will help unionized workers; there is the Affordable Care Act; and the progress in fight for $15 an hour wage. We, the workers, must start filling the canyon in until there is no longer ever a line in the sand. If we don’t there will be millions of proletarians trapped in the bottom of the canyon, which could be the equivalent of a modern-day hell. We have more areas like the inner cities of the old rust belt in this country and the poor in rural country sides. Then there are the wars raging and the Lone Wolf ter...

We Are in This Together

Most of the world’s workers are wage slaves. It is compulsory labor, which takes many workers who are in debt from college loans, credit cards or loans on their homes which now makes them upside down on their loans, and car loans. All this debt just makes them slaves to the capitalist system for most, if not all, their lives. With wages so low and the inequality gap getting wider, each year many people are finding no hope, which will fill the pool of people who will grasp at most anything good or bad to survive and get out of the dark hole of hopeless poverty. These are the people for whom the wages must be raised to a serviceable wage of $15 to $18 an hour at the minimum wage level, not only here, but worldwide where workers are being taken advantage of by greedy corporations. Along with higher wages, we must also address labor safety, pensions, universal healthcare and free education. To all of the countries who read this blog, this could be the year of change: Albania, Algeria, Ar...

Changes for the New Year

Things that could change the USA and the world for the betterment of the proletarians and save the capitalist system, which is what we have to work until something better comes along, like maybe a hybrid capitalist system. Until then, this is it. The changes for the fastest results are a minimum wage of $15 to $18 an hour, legalizing drugs and taking away the profits for the bad people and then applying a tax, which would support government and care facilities for the addicted. There are jobs in the marijuana grow industry and care businesses. With more cash in the hands of our spenders, there will be more jobs, which will be more taxes paid and also with these changes there will be less reasons for so many prisons (the prison industry is one of the obstacles to progressive drug laws). If we take drugs off the table, the lives of our people and families will be much better. Then there will be an incentive for getting a better education, which will make the corporations happy. For 2015...