Most of the world’s workers are wage slaves. It is compulsory labor, which takes many workers who are in debt from college loans, credit cards or loans on their homes which now makes them upside down on their loans, and car loans.
All this debt just makes them slaves to the capitalist system for most, if not all, their lives. With wages so low and the inequality gap getting wider, each year many people are finding no hope, which will fill the pool of people who will grasp at most anything good or bad to survive and get out of the dark hole of hopeless poverty.
These are the people for whom the wages must be raised to a serviceable wage of $15 to $18 an hour at the minimum wage level, not only here, but worldwide where workers are being taken advantage of by greedy corporations. Along with higher wages, we must also address labor safety, pensions, universal healthcare and free education.
To all of the countries who read this blog, this could be the year of change: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Herzegovina/Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Italy, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Lithuania, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, U.K., United States, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
Don’t give up. If you do they win. The odds are long, but we are winning at the state, county and city levels at this time.
In 2012 more than a quarter of all political contributions came from just 30,000 people who represented the 1 percent of the 1 percent, 90 percent who spent the most won. Today, we are an experiment in either a democracy, which started in 1787 or an oligarchy, which is winning. The nonunion people, like Trump and Musk, have most all the tools in their pockets to destroy our unions. They have money, they have the courts, they have law enforcement, they have the media, and 50 percent of workers that don’t know this don’t know the history of the working class people. This is the perfect storm to lose all the gains workers have made whether they’re union or not, even our Social Security and Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act. So, now we will have to go way back to the late 1920s and ‘30s and dig up the old labor party books. One book, written in 1964, has the information, The Rebel Voices, an IWW Anthology by Joyce L. Kornbluh, educator, activist, and advocate. The history of our labor...
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