We elected a person four years ago that then pissed away four years of our lives, our treasury, our standing in the world, mishandling a pandemic costing almost 150,000 innocent lives and the soldiers who went to serve their country not realizing their commander-in-chief allowed a bounty to be placed upon their heads by Vladimir Putin. These set backs will take a decade or more to fix, the deficit probably longer. The damage done in the last four years has gained us nothing while it has made trump filthy rich by the myriad of ways he has overcharged the U.S. government through his hotels and golf courses.
People are losing their homes for lack of rent or mortgage payments. Was it intentional to allow the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures a ruse by the republicans as a form of voter suppression? If you have no home address you can’t vote. Families are going hungry, food banks struggling to meet the need, and republicans are calling these people freeloaders who’d rather take free money than go to work ignoring the fact that the pandemic and their party’s handling of it is why people are stuck in their homes. Also, ignoring the fact that $2 trillion of that stimulus package went to big business instead of to those who needed it most. People keep erroneously saying the Stock Market is doing well. No, it isn’t. It is being propped up by the feds.
It’s proven time and again that what supports an economy is from the bottom up spending. The 99 percent of people spend their earning to live and buy luxury items; but if that money supply dries up due to the stay at home orders, cut backs in business operations and loss of jobs. But the republicans refuse to admit this.
This financial crisis, this inequality, this inequity goes back to before trump took office. The tipping point for all this is tied directly to NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the loss of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). Now that most production was moved to China and trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is trying to instigate a “war” with China despite ivanka trump having about twenty patents there. This is all a distraction and an attempt to raise trump’s approval ratings that are circling the toilet bowl.
The unions should be fighting to get rid of NAFTA and work to get the EFCA passed like President Obama was supposed to do, but didn’t. Without the EFCA, the door was open to a lot of states passing right to work laws, which has demolished the union membership. Again, we are now at least four years behind.
What we need today is to rid ourselves trump, his people and the entire gop by taking back the Senate and retaining Congress so we can have new labor laws, healthcare for all, a minimum wage of $20 an hour, abolishment of the classifications of drugs and just legalize them all and treat addiction as a disease, and establish a universal basic income between $1,500 to $2,000 a month since jobs will never be the same if we’re able to get passed this pandemic.
We can and are changing things for the better by marching in the streets and getting ready for November’s election. Now we all, unions, Black Lives Matter, all progressives, Democrats, must stand together and support Bernie Sanders’ platform and push to make the corporate Democrats embrace and follow through on legislation that works for the people and not the corporations.
We have an election in two months, where the hell are the building Trade Unions? Members and organizers should be touting their wages, benefits and seeking out new members and union shops. So far, I’m only hearing crickets. While the Trade Unions sit back, the UAW have been striking and winning big benefits for their members. Then there is the Teamsters, who have taken on the Holy Grail—Amazon, the corporation. Again, just crickets from the Trade Unions. Then there is the Minnesota State model—-we can win more together than we can on our own. So why are all unions not working together? Why are all unions not talking with each other? There are two months left until the election—an election that could conceivably be the death null of unions. If we lose this election to the GOP, Trump and Project 2025, our unions will be destroyed and we’ll be back to the days of trying to make ends meet as the GOP will cut our wages, benefits will be eliminated and there will be nothing we can do abou...
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