For a little history in the ways to control people read Joss Sheldon’s book, “Democracy: A User’s Guide.” He writes about the different types of governing bodies from democratic societies, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years we went to gerontocracies, the rule by elders. Other ways to rule were the priests, sorcerers, prophets and the wealthy, who controlled land, enslaved people and all of the livestock.Then came the militias, who killed anyone who refused to bend to their will. The leaders named themselves “kings” then surrounded themselves with knights, secured their loyalty by giving them land and declaring themselves appointed by god with the divine right to rule, and secured their legacies by handing power down to their offspring. This was done during the age of feudalism and manorialism. Kings ruled over their lords, ladies, princes and priests. These nobles ruled over everyone else, and they all became rich by taking from the peasantry. Much like it is today. Then ...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.