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Controlling the Masses

For a little history in the ways to control people read Joss Sheldon’s book, “Democracy: A User’s Guide.” He writes about the different types of governing bodies from democratic societies, which lasted for hundreds of thousands of years we went to gerontocracies, the rule by elders. Other ways to rule were the priests, sorcerers, prophets and the wealthy, who controlled land, enslaved people and all of the livestock.Then came the militias, who killed anyone who refused to bend to their will. The leaders named themselves “kings” then surrounded themselves with knights, secured their loyalty by giving them land and declaring themselves appointed by god with the divine right to rule, and secured their legacies by handing power down to their offspring. This was done during the age of feudalism and manorialism. Kings ruled over their lords, ladies, princes and priests. These nobles ruled over everyone else, and they all became rich by taking from the peasantry. Much like it is today. Then the people found ways to get some power by joining guilds in free towns. To join you had to prove your ability, morality, loyalty, and pay membership dues. They could be expelled or placed on leave at any time. The guilds were made up of fishermen, doctors, apothecaries and haberdashers. They made up banners with their guild’s seal on them and kept archives. They were allowed to possess land, buildings, money and bonds much like today’s unions. They could contract and bargain. How did the guilds (today’s unions) lose power? The rich issued laws, which prevented members of the lower classes from climbing the social ladder. They had to be a certain age, have money and a social standing. Wool merchants, money changers and goldsmiths monopolized power not because there were more of them, but because they could buy their way to the top (just like today). By the end of the 15th century, the free towns and guilds had fallen to feudal powers. Today, we live in a democracy, but we are losing it every day as big money is buying all types of our government from cities, counties, state and federal levels, as well as stacking our court systems with conservative justices who don’t necessarily decide by rule of law but by political dictates. This must change. We need better people elected who will work for the betterment of the people and the country and not just for the rich and corporations.


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