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Showing posts from January, 2024

Don't Let Them Destroy Our Unions

The death of the labor movement will be from the infighting of our labor unions. We have labor unions never speaking to each other. These are our bothers and sisters. This hate can be found in our AFL/CIO or any union group and is a gift to the GOP anti-union anti labor people and we are giving this to them as a gift, and they are using it against us while unions stand around squabbling. Now, it will take time to work out the jurisdictional problems among the trades, but in the meantime we must unite and work together as one to elect the politicians who are staunch labor supporters. We must forget about the pettiness some unions engage in thinking their type of labor is better, more significant than others, but this arrogance forgets that one without the others is nothing. A home without plumbing is incomplete. A home without electricity is incomplete. A home without a roof is incomplete. A home without cabinets is incomplete. You get my drift. It takes all of the trades to keep this c...

The Wealthy Are Not Your Friends

All union people should fully understand what an autocracy is and what it will do to their lives and families. It will be the end to Democracy as we know it today. We will end up with despot who thinks he’s a king who will partner up with the oligarchs to get more money and power. They believe that rules are for suckers and chumps. They have bought the highest court in the land and the person who wants to be the king is Trump. He does not just want to be an oligarch, but he wants to rule them. The oligarchs want to rule the people and what better way than to build company towns where they own the houses, stores, schools, churches and the jobs. This is the ultimate control of peoples lives. Some of these people, who harbor these fantasies, are Jan Sramek, Micheal Moritz, Reid Hoffman, Patrick and John Collison, Daniel Gross, Marc Andreessen, Laurene Powell Jobs (Jobs’ widow), Nat Freeman are the Silicon Valley heavies who have bought 55,000 acres of farm land for $800 million in Solan...

May Day 2028 or Sooner

Unions’ long game is to get all union contracts to expire on the same day nationwide. The United Auto Workers combines contracts ends on April 28, 2028. This could then result in a mass national strike starting on May Day beeginning that year. This could then put enormous pressure on employers, but also on lawmakers. It’s the muscle and sweat of the workers that keeps this country great, not the individual company or corporations. This May Day strike would be the time to change the workers’ world for the better by negotiating for a 32-hour week with the same pay, and the U.S. adopts a healthcare for all with no out of pocket costs. This would also help the employers as they would no longer have to provide healthcare. By striking, the UAW won same pay for new workers, all UAW contracts will end on the same date, a 25-percent pay increase, a cost of living adjustments, a guaranteed right to strike over potential plant closures, and also the right to vote to unionize through the card che...