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Corporate Homecoming

To save capitalism as we know it today we must not get to the point where the world has an unconsumed surplus of products. What has kept this from happening so far is that we and others have been unloading the surplus on other countries, and to this we help develop the resources by shipping our jobs to these countries. We then extend this process to all countries on the planet until every country is producing every year and every day and an unconsumed surplus builds up, which corporations cannot dispose of in other countries. The reason for this is that corporations have raped and pillaged every country on earth of its cheap labor. Now you may ask, how do you dispose of the surpluses to keep the capitalist consumer system working? We’re already seeing signs that in the profits of some of the big box stores the profits are going down. One reason is that the ‘have nothings’ or ’have very little,’ the proletarians, have no purchasing power because of very low wages. Here in the USA, the shipping jobs overseas and cutting our wages to scraps was a large long range plan of our home grown oligarchies to create a plutocracy or third world country in which wage slaves’ wages gets so low that the corporations could bring back corporations to the USA. The problem is we will need wages of at least $15 to $16 an hour to make this work. Without a decent wage, workers and their families still can’t purchase the products being made. I think some of the oligarchies and Wall Street are starting to see this, and this is the reason the oligarchies are letting some cities and states to start slow walking the wage increases. But, $9 to $10 and even $11 to $12 will not do the job. They just need to push to the $15 to $16 and this will then take care of the capitalist system as we know it for a few more years to come and in the mean time we need to stop the runaway toward a plutocracy system in the USA. Some of the cities and states recognize this fact and are slow walking the wage increase. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour. New Jersey raised its to $8.25; Albuquerque, New Mexico to $8.50; New York and Connecticut to $9; California to $10; Prince Georges and Montgomery, Maryland to $11.50; and SeaTac in Washington state to $15 an hour. The SeaTac workers are walking to Seattle to help those workers earn a wage increase also. So the fight has begun and will continue as more workers awaken to the fact that they deserve respect for their work, a decent wage for their time and basic dignity for their lives. These are words to be listening for in the discourse of everyday life. You will start seeing these words more and more as the fight goes on. Remember, these are not new words, but have been buried from the proletarians out of fear and control. Corporations can’t have the control they have now if the lowly worker were educated and an abundance of self-worth. Plutocracy: government by the richest people, a country that is ruled by the richest people. Source: Webster’s Oligarchy: a country, business, etc., that is controlled by a small group of people. Source: Webster’s Proletarian: a person who has low social status, a member of the working class. Source: Webster’s. Capitalism: a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government. Source: Webster’s. Wage Slaves: a person dependent on wages or a salary for a livelihood. Source: Webster’s. The Iron Heel: Most people only know Jack London’s “Call of the Wild” or “White Fang” novels, but one of his most important works was “The Iron Heel,” which describes a world in which the division between the wealthy and poor has widened to a point it has created a powerful oligarchy that controls through terror, and how the poor fought back. Have, Have Nots, Have Little: Describes the income inequality/ disparity between people with money, little money and none. This disparity is at an all-time high between the haves and the have-nots. This term was made most famous by former president George W. Bush when he said at a fundraiser that his friends were the “haves” and “have mores.” AFL-CIO: U.S. federation of labor unions formed in 1955 by the merger of the AFL and the CIO. The AFL was founded in 1886 as a loose federation of craft unions under the leadership of Samuel Gompers. Member unions retained autonomy and received protection of their workers and jurisdiction over a certain industrial territory. The CIO was founded in 1935 as the Committee for Industrial Organization by a splinter group of AFL unions whose leaders believed in organizing skilled and unskilled workers across entire industries; at its first convention in 1938, it adopted its current name and elected John L. Lewis president. Source: Webster’s. IWW: Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), byname Wobblies, labor organization founded in Chicago in 1905 by representatives of 43 groups. The IWW opposed the American Federation of Labor’s acceptance of capitalism and its refusal to include unskilled workers in craft unions. Source: Webster’s. Consumer Economy System: A consumer economy describes an economy driven by consumer spending as a percent of its gross domestic product, as opposed to the other major components of GDP (gross private domestic investment, government spending, and imports netted against exports). Source: Wikipedia.


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