Labor the world over at this time has no friends in this corporate world, and there is no political part that will support labor because unions don’t have the kind of money politicians are looking for. The political parties now side with Wall Street, corporations, big banks and lobbyists for this is where the money and political power is and where laws can be written—laws that will make them more money.
One only has to look at the U.K., France, Ukraine, Spain, Greece, Turkey, South America, and, of course, here in the U.S. where labor laws have been shot full of holes and probably do more harm than good. Now is the time for a revolution of minimum wage workers, students burdened by student loans, all labor unions, people on Social Security, veterans, minorities and all the rest of us to band together to bring voter pressure on the Democrats, if not them, then a new people’s party because what we have now is not working for either party, Democratic or GOP.
Are we in the U.S. reverting back to the President Warren G. Harding days of 1921 where Harding advocated more business in government and less government in business? President Harding said there was nothing mystifying or elusive about the concept of a conservative state in those days. Conservatism was just the normal state of business of American government, regardless of whichever party was in office, Republicans or Democrats. Conservatism was part of Harding’s description and mindset of good government.
"Everyone knew what conservatism was, who it answered to, what it did, and what it stood for: control of the state by the people who obviously should control it. The successful, the powerful, and the wealthy--men of means who had the most at stake" like bankers, industrialists, legislators, workers and even intellectuals whose job was to justify and explain rather than question or criticize, according to Thomas Frank's book The Wrecking Crew.
This is what our two party system of today have and want, and the leaders of both parties will keep all the same laws and regulations that benefit them the most. This is why we need a world revolution, and here in the U.S., we must have Bernie Sanders and a majority in the House and Senate.
In 2012 more than a quarter of all political contributions came from just 30,000 people who represented the 1 percent of the 1 percent, 90 percent who spent the most won. Today, we are an experiment in either a democracy, which started in 1787 or an oligarchy, which is winning. The nonunion people, like Trump and Musk, have most all the tools in their pockets to destroy our unions. They have money, they have the courts, they have law enforcement, they have the media, and 50 percent of workers that don’t know this don’t know the history of the working class people. This is the perfect storm to lose all the gains workers have made whether they’re union or not, even our Social Security and Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act. So, now we will have to go way back to the late 1920s and ‘30s and dig up the old labor party books. One book, written in 1964, has the information, The Rebel Voices, an IWW Anthology by Joyce L. Kornbluh, educator, activist, and advocate. The history of our labor...
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