When the 2016 election is over, what type of government will we have here in the U.S.? Will our so-called democracy be turned into an anarchy or are we already an aristocracy that has turned into an oligarchy? If so, what should be done and by whom?
History has shown that there are six types of government of which there are three considered good ones and three considered bad ones.
The good ones are principality, aristocracy and the democracy. Individually, none of these will last as the principality can easily become tyranny, an aristocracy can become an oligarchy, and a democracy can turn into an anarchy. There is no remedy capable of preventing one of the good governments from slipping into its contrary because of the similarity that exists in this case between the virtue and the vice--and human nature of some individuals. Today, the U.S. stands at a crossroad. Will we fail like other governments before us or will we be able to rise above the fray--or is it too late? As more and more people become aware of how our government and corporations have stacked the odds against the 99 percent, they are rising up and fighting against the destuction of what most of us hold dear: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness--and a government that works for the people not the corporations.
When all three of the good types of government were used at the same time, when each type could keep an eye on the other. The longest form of government to last was by Sparta, its leader, Lycurgus, established the laws for Sparta and created a state using all three good types of government which lasted 800 years.
Will we, here in the U.S., last 800 years with the way we are going? "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves," Abraham Lincoln
Unions’ long game is to get all union contracts to expire on the same day nationwide. The United Auto Workers combines contracts ends on April 28, 2028. This could then result in a mass national strike starting on May Day beeginning that year. This could then put enormous pressure on employers, but also on lawmakers. It’s the muscle and sweat of the workers that keeps this country great, not the individual company or corporations. This May Day strike would be the time to change the workers’ world for the better by negotiating for a 32-hour week with the same pay, and the U.S. adopts a healthcare for all with no out of pocket costs. This would also help the employers as they would no longer have to provide healthcare. By striking, the UAW won same pay for new workers, all UAW contracts will end on the same date, a 25-percent pay increase, a cost of living adjustments, a guaranteed right to strike over potential plant closures, and also the right to vote to unionize through the card che...
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