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Billionaires for Change

Billionaires want to save the capitalism. There are and have been many people with ideas on how to fix the capitalist system so that it will work for everyone. Thomas Piketty (who wrote Capital), Bill Gates, (who created Microsoft) Thomas Paine (who wrote Common Sense Rights of Man), and Peter Barnes (who wrote With Liberty and Dividends For All). There is no silver bullet to fix capitalism. It will take many measures, such as bringing back the cash corporation and the very rich have stashed in offshore accounts. This money needs to be brought and put back into the flow of capitalism. The estate tax needs to be reinstated; the practice of inheriting extreme wealth from one generation to the next in families just allows the family’s power to grow with each generation. There is also the idea of charging payment for the use of our Commons, which some people and large corporations use freely, such as the air, water, minerals, courts, laws, protection of patents, our armed forces protecting the corporations in other countries, and now our personal information being collected by social media companies, like Facebook, and sold to make the company wealthier while making us more vulnerable. Worldwide corporations use and view workers as a resource to be exploited to make them richer. Humans are not a resource. We have to address inequality affecting the majority of people in this country and worldwide by increasing wages and higher Social Security, or adopting a universal basic income of $1,500 to $2,000 a month. These measures, along with free healthcare, would help alleviate the suffering of many. We also need to address climate change, we are behind the eight ball due to greedy corporations and politician’s after more money and people’s demand for new stuff, are destroying this earth and the countries with the resources the corporations want to make their profits. If these things are not taken care of, capitalism is doomed. At this time, our government is a principality, just check out the article on the Hill Reporter about Ivanka and trump junior arguing over which of them gets to run for president first, the link to the article is below. If this trend doesn’t change, the government will devolve into tyranny. Our government is also an aristocracy, which is turning into an oligarchy of billionaires. We are supposed to be a democracy. These types of government are taking over with trump in the White House, his children and the billionaires friends calling the shots. With trump “palling around with” (as GOP accused President Obama of doing) and “falling in love with” (trump proclaimed he felling love with Dictator Kim Jung Un) authoritarian dictators are all forming an axis of countries while 56 percent of Americans have a positive view of capitalism, but 51 percent among younger people (18 to 29 years old) have a positive view of socialism. The 24 billionaires say the time is ripe to reimagine the future of capitalism. To re-establish an even playing field, we must rebuild our unions. The workers need to have a 50/50 shot at the pie. If not, our democracy could turn into an anarchy. All the knowledge is out there, we just need good leadership to make it work for our country and its people.


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