Unions are coming. The workers worldwide are rising up to fight for better wages, healthcare , pensions, union rights, housing and climate change. They are also tired of wars and the exorbitant cost of education. People the world over want a government that represents the 99 percent and not the 1 percent who just want more money to buy more power.
This is a real class warfare and we, the people, will win with strong unions, which work and support all workers, unionized or not. At this time, we have the auto workers fighting over tier workers who work by another worker doing the same job but for a lower wage. This is done not only to save GM money, but also to cause division among the work force.
The General Motors workers won because all the workers stayed together. Then the Black Jewel miners are still fighting for their wages. They will win if all with a message of solidarity, money, which can be sent to: With Love From Harlan P.O. Box 1621 Harlan, KY 40831. Checks should be payable to Community Organization With Love From Harlan with coal miner fund on the check. Keep in mind Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell and his wife have made themselves extremely wealthy off the backs of Kentucky citizens. Will the citizens of Kentucky vote McConnell out of office in the next election to prevent him and his wife Elaine Chao from becoming even wealthier?
Don’t forget the teachers in Chicago, who just went out of strike for better pay and smaller class sizes. In Baltimore, the symphony is locked out, management demand a 20 percent pay and benefit cut. They are members of Local 40-543 American Federation of Musicians and were trying to get a better deal when management decided cut the musicians off at the knees.The National Nurses United have 6,500 on a one-day strike at 12 Tenet hospitals in Florida, California, Arizona and El Paso, Texas.
Then there is the people in Hong Kong, Russia, Bolivia, Chile, Haiti, Lebanon, Iraq and Ukraine are in the streets. The world is in for some big changes and the workers need to be at the table. Also look for a baseball strike in the new future.
The tipping point will be reached in 2020 for the 99 percent of the world. For the Used to Have, Have Nots, and the Have Littles have had enough, and are ready to fight for a much larger share of the pie, such as free healthcare, free education, housing, better wages and addressing climate change before we completely destroy this world. It will take the 99 percent of us to beat the 1 percent and it will look like we have a start by all those brave souls standing up for what they believe is right in the world.
Join a union. Support a union. Pay your dues. Attend your union meetings.
We have an election in two months, where the hell are the building Trade Unions? Members and organizers should be touting their wages, benefits and seeking out new members and union shops. So far, I’m only hearing crickets. While the Trade Unions sit back, the UAW have been striking and winning big benefits for their members. Then there is the Teamsters, who have taken on the Holy Grail—Amazon, the corporation. Again, just crickets from the Trade Unions. Then there is the Minnesota State model—-we can win more together than we can on our own. So why are all unions not working together? Why are all unions not talking with each other? There are two months left until the election—an election that could conceivably be the death null of unions. If we lose this election to the GOP, Trump and Project 2025, our unions will be destroyed and we’ll be back to the days of trying to make ends meet as the GOP will cut our wages, benefits will be eliminated and there will be nothing we can do abou...
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