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Black Lives Matter, Don't Give Up

Tired of the inequality, people have taken to the streets. Black Lives Matter, but they need their white allies to stand beside them to win the fight against racism and discrimination. People of color need their white allies to speak up and stand up when they see injustices of any kind. We all need to fight against the system that put us into the streets and kept us down and disadvantaged. None of these inequities should one tolerated anymore. Black people began the fight, the rest of us need to support and continue to fight with them. With all these people in the streets, we are all part of the solution now. To get the people off the streets we have to hit critical mass. Then we need to reform law enforcement, the prison system, the healthcare system for profit; we need to reallocate the money that went toward militarizing the police toward social programs; a universal basic income of $1,500 to $2,000 a month for people 18 years or older; a federal government financial public works program, like FDR’s and LBJ’s, to put millions of people to work rebuilding and upgrading our country and possibly allow one parent to stay home with the children or elderly parents. If we didn’t live in a corporatocracy (or corpocracy as some use), which is the economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests and allowed corporate control over our politicians rendering our society to the mercy of these special interests and giving them control over our economic and political decisions. This is not a new concept, it’s been done before. The working people would be able to build roads, bridges, hospitals, child or elder care centers, repairing or replacing our infrastructure, dams, mass transportation, cleaning up our environment and quality yet affordable housing. Saving our nation and allowing it to work for all its citizens can be done, but it’s going to take a lot of work to cut the corporate ties and vote out the greedy politicians on both sides of the aisle. President Roosevelt’s New Deal, a series of programs, public works projects and financial reform and regulations that pulled us out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Roosevelt also implemented The Civilian Conservation Corps that was a voluntary public work relief program operating from 1933 to 1942 for unemployed, unmarried men, and the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, commonly known as the G.I. Bill, it was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans. In the 1960s, when President Johnson was confronted with unemployment and disparity, he tasked Sargent Shriver to figure out a plan. Shriver, with Labor Secretary Willard Wirtz, designed the Job Corps, it became Johnson’s “War on Poverty and the Great Society,” sought to expand economic and social opportunities for all Americans, but especially those facing economic disadvantages. In order to get back to these forms of governance we must elect the right people who have the guts to make these things happen. This is what a good government does, takes care of its people, not just their own bank accounts to the point they lose contact with the vast majority of people and how those people actually live. The very rich live off of family money that has been handed down generation after generation without paying their fair share of taxes. We need elected officials who look out for us instead of those looking for ways to keep and expand their wealth and control. So, today, the people must stay in the streets through the 2020 election, and if we put new people in office we then must make sure they do the job they were elected to do and bring about the changes this country needs. We will probably never have this opportunity again so we have to push hard. Trump and his goons, like Bill Barr, are pushing to make this an authoritarian rule of law, if we lose the 2020 election, the chance to change our country will be lost and there will be blood in the streets. We must not stop until the job is done. We have a very large snow ball rolling down hill, which will get bigger and bigger as long as it keeps moving, but if it stops, it will just melt away and all with be for nothing. We deserve better. Black Lives Matter. Wash Your Hands. Be Kind.


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