What type of union person are you? Have you even thought about this? There is a theory put forth in 1956 by DL Tagliacozzo is that union members are broken into seven groups: 1. the ideological unionist; 2. the good union member; 3. the loyal but critical member; 4. the crisis activist; 5. the dually oriented member; 6. the card carrying or indifferent member; and 7. the unwilling unionist. In some cases the types tend to merge, making the count arbitrary at times, but on the whole most members fit into one of these seven categories. The ideological unionist is distinguished from the others by articulate, political and social philosophy. They will know and study union history, and be willing to consider personal sacrifices in order to strengthen the union. The good union member will protect and advance the union’s prestige and power. They will strike and walk picket lines when called upon. They are usually preferred by leaders when an office within the union is to be filled. The l...
This blog is a quick read about concerns, whether local or international, facing union and non-union workers.