The filibuster must end in order to save our country. Some worry about what would happen if or when the GQP regains all the power again and what they will do with it and against the people. The Democrats must just do a better job and fight like hell for the people and not let the GQP get back into power.
It is up to us, the unions and people who want healthcare for all, free education, a living wage, address climate change for clean air and water, the right to vote, and stop the never-ending wars.
The filibuster is basically a form of obstruction and used to block legislation from proceeding to a vote. Republicans use this often, especially when the legislation will have a positive effect for the people or making voting easier or whenever Republicans want to have a tantrum. Those who do not pay attention to what happens in the Senate or don’t care so long as the immature Republicans are sticking it to the Democrats, and by extension, the people’s wellbeing, blame Democrats for not passing bills that help them.
If the filibuster was eliminated, we could start working on the down-ballot elections, which will change the gerrymandering of districts used mostly by republicans to steal elections from Democrats.
This is a fight we can win and would be good for all working and retired people and their families. We need all our groups to stand together and support each others needs and wants. There is enough for all of us, despite what the republicans will have you believe, and this will only make us stronger, better educated, healthier, and a reason to get up and go to work while earning a living wage to take care of your families. Eliminating the filibuster means we have a better chance of getting immigration reform, education reforms, healthcare reform, eliminating Citizens United, lobbying and many other improvements.
All unions need to come together and become politically active like the good old days and start applying pressure to eliminate the filibuster and other measures that help their members.
We have an election in two months, where the hell are the building Trade Unions? Members and organizers should be touting their wages, benefits and seeking out new members and union shops. So far, I’m only hearing crickets. While the Trade Unions sit back, the UAW have been striking and winning big benefits for their members. Then there is the Teamsters, who have taken on the Holy Grail—Amazon, the corporation. Again, just crickets from the Trade Unions. Then there is the Minnesota State model—-we can win more together than we can on our own. So why are all unions not working together? Why are all unions not talking with each other? There are two months left until the election—an election that could conceivably be the death null of unions. If we lose this election to the GOP, Trump and Project 2025, our unions will be destroyed and we’ll be back to the days of trying to make ends meet as the GOP will cut our wages, benefits will be eliminated and there will be nothing we can do abou...
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