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Strikers: Know The History & Plan For Everything

How will the GOP try to stop the new teachers’ movement? The recent strikes are emboldening other states and city workers. Arizona teachers just voted to strike statewide, they were emboldened by Virginia, Oklahoma and Kentucky teachers. When considering going out on strike, organizations must have a plan, research their history and that of their opponent. In 1934, anti-union forces used Roy Zachary, a goon, who was the leader of the Silver Shirts, the U.S.’ equivalent to the German Brown Shirts, to try and break Minneapolis Teamster Rebellion, as portrayed in a book of the same name by Farrell Dobbs and a participant in the rebellion. The lessons learned from the Teamster Rebellion are as important today as they were then. The lessons included the “importance of rank-and-file control of the struggle, the benefits of socialist influence in the labor movement, and the necessity of militantly opposing the bosses--and, if need be, the government--in order to win.” The strike started with coal drivers, who were members of International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 574, and then spread to other drivers in the local trucking industry. Coal was used for heating, but despite the necessity and demand for coal, the coal drivers worked without a contract and, like most other workers during that era, were at the mercy of their employers. “In 1933, fewer than 100 drivers were dues-paying members of Local 574.” “The Minneapolis strike was actually three strikes, coming in successive waves, each incorporating greater numbers of workers and provoking bigger and bigger confrontations with the bosses, armed thugs and the state. The first wave came in February—eventually involved much of the Minneapolis trucking industry. The second wave, which included warehouse workers, began in May. The decisive battle to win the union—a fight that verged on igniting a general citywide strike—came in July and August.” Just like then, it’s important for today’s strikers to include this kind of history to know their enemy and have plans in place to counteract their measures. So far, today’s strikers are planning very well by getting public support, knocking on doors and letting people know what they are trying to do and by caring for the students with daycare and lunches during the strike. This is a lesson for all workers and unions who want to improve their working lives with more equitable benefits and higher wages. We have the power play book of hard lessons learned on what has worked and what has not. The anti-workers people also have their playbook, and they have the government, courts, law enforcement, National Guard and professional strike breakers. Now is the time for all workers to step up and organize. Don’t allow this movement and momentum slip by without at least trying. If you try and fail, at least you tried. If you don’t try, you fail completely. You can always learn from your failures and be stronger the next time. All educational organizations should join in, and all other unions should support and demand fair wages and benefits, such as a safe work environment and healthcare. These movements don’t happen often so labor should not waste this one when women and men have confidence in their wins. The key to winning is pre-planning and solidarity.


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