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Misuse of the Boys Scouts

Are the Boy Scouts of the Border Patrol the new Silver Shirts of trump? The Border Patrol agency began an Explorers program, much like the law enforcement Explorers program, that offers young people, in the Border Patrol’s case, Latino youths training and mentorship and trump indoctrination. The Silver Shirts were members of the paramilitary group the Silver Legion of America, an underground racist organization founded in North Carolina by William D. Pelley, a journalist, in 1933. Pelley based the group on Benito Mussolini’s blackshirts, an Italian nationalist, fascist group. In 1935, a Nazi agent convinced heiress Jessie Murphy to give cash and the use of her ranch. The Silver Shirts wanted to use the 55-acre Murphy Ranch in the Los Angeles hills as a fortified world headquarters after the fascist global conquest. Pelley said he would save America from Jews and non-whites and called for a Christian Commonwealth in America that would combine the principles of racism, nationalism, and theocracy just like Mussolini’s his Black Shirts saved Italy and Hitler’s Brown Shirts saved Germany. Pelley ran for president as a third-party ticket under the Christian Party in the 1936 election. He expected to seize power in a "silver revolution" and set himself up as dictator of the United States. He would be called "the Chief" like Hitler’s the Fuhrer and Mussolini’s II Duce. Today’s intent is to use these young people to rat out their friends and even their moms and dads on their legal status and citizenship. They will be the eyes of Immigration and Customs Enforcement or I.C.E. The program promises to reach young people life skills by preparing them to arrest undocumented immigrants. The Border agents and immigrants are the young people’s new “Cowboys and Indians” game, kids used to play only this time they have real guns. They receive training in fire arms at outings sponsored by the National Rifle Association and arrest and deportation training are standardized for Peace Officer's Standards and Training across the country. This is not the Boys Scouts that I was involved in during the 1950s through ‘70s. We camped, hiked, went on 50 mile trips on land and water. We also went on trips to a Scout camp. Things have now changed into a law enforcement agency with xenophobic ideologies embraced and spread by the nation’s highest office. This is away to divide our country further using young people. Then there will be a new generation of GOP and hatred of the poor, immigrants, blacks, browns, American; Indians and Asians—anyone who doesn’t fit their narrative. These youths will have to be deprogrammed to be able to live in a multicultural society. A lot of this is driven by the Used to Haves, which will be a very large group unless we change the country’s direction starting with healthcare for all, universal basic income, free education and new laws protecting labor laws, the environment, green energy, rebuilding our infrastructure, and new enforcement regulations, legalize drugs like Portugal. These are large programs that can be funded by taxing the rich, reallocating military and law enforcement funding and the money saved by revamping programs, like healthcare and reinvigorating our middle class with good paying jobs.


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