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We Need A Plan Of Action

"We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better." Thurgood Marshall. What will happen if trump steals the 2020 election? What will you do if trump claims victory again? Will you move to to another country? Most cannot do this. They maybe too old, don’t have enough money, are ill or do not want to move or can’t leave their extended families. Then the people who still have jobs and need to work cannot leave. So packing up and leaving just won’t work for most of us and a lot of us just don’t like the idea of running away from a tyrant and would rather stay and fight for their jobs, family, way of life, and their country. So hoping for the best on election day is good, but we need to be ready for the election not turning out the way we desperately need it to. Also, what if trump refuses to leave? What we should be doing is to start building our forces, planning a course of action to get his lard ass out of the White House, build trust in each other so we can stand together and not let the gop split us over things that just don’t really matter in the scheme of things. We need to protect Social Security against trump’s attempt to roll back the pay roll tax, Medicare and trump’s attempt to use the Supreme Court to abolish President Obama’s protection of those with preexisting conditions, unions, labor rights, the attacks on the U.S> Postal Service, voting rights, and the right to peacefully assemble. We also need to elect people who will protect the 99 percent of the people not just the 1 percent. Now, is the time to start talking amongst ourselves on the good i this country versus the bad that trump is trying to instigate and the ugly he already has done to this country and the people in it. More than 180,000 dead because he doesn’t want to spend the money and make the effort to get people to comply with mandates. That is money he wants in his own pockets. The children separated at the border and caged like animals. Those children will never be normal with all the trauma they have experienced. We must have plans in place or our democracy will turn into an anarchy. The gop will declare marshal law and the Army will take over and trump will remain in office until he dies. Then his ignorant, grifting children will take over. What trump is doing is not just happenstance. It has been well thought out since the time of Nixon. Go read bill barr’s statements about Nixon and presidents having absolute power. He’s nuts. It probably started before Nixon and was incrementally executed by the gop to crush our way of life at the bidding of the wealthy and corporations. Google the koch brothers, the mercers, rupert murdoch, steve bannon, lee atwater and many others who’ve conspired against our country. I’ve laid it out in numerous other posts in the past. Ask yourself why is the stock market doing so well during higher than the Great Depression unemployment. The gop is pumping billions into it to keep it from a total collapse. We must have leadership and a plan set. Then be ready to go to the streets by the millions while also being ready to have a general strike across this country, port-to-port with the Longshoremen’s union, the trucking shipping with the Teamsters, shut down the trains, shut down the sheet metal unions, teachers walkout, which would probably be easy at this time, and the trades walk out as well since since there will be no materials to build with. The post office is already under attack so after the election, they should go out as well. All of this will bring the corporation money people to the table. If the gop sees this as a real plan to counter the trump people and we have the guts to use it, we can win this fight for our country and the 99 percent. We must start planning now, start identifying what we want and how we will retaliate if trump wins or refuses to leave. The military generals have stated they will not use military members to remove trump from office. We can and will shut down the economy, port-to-port, east to west, and north to south. This time the 99 percent must something good for themselves, and their families. We’ve taken it in the shorts for far too long. There is still a chance to put Biden and Harris in office by all of us voting for them.


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