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Hold Their Feet To The Fire

This new government administration has a lot of big and little things it can and must do to keep the voters on their side. First among them is that they must beat the virus and at the same time keep people sheltered and fed. This can be done by executive orders and pumping money into where it’s needed most. Yes, the Biden administration is doing a lot of good, but to reach the masses, it must go further. Start with helping unions by tightening up the National Labor Relations Board and its members and rules; and pass card check for unions, which would take the place of union elections and make it easier for workers to unionize. We need President Biden to declare a state of emergency and begin to address climate change to help save the planet while also creating new jobs in green energy, rebuilding our infrastructure with more eco-friendly products. There are a lot of products out there that can replace the old, more damaging products, like these few types recycled steel, using bamboo, sheep’s wool, straw bales, precast concrete, plant-based polyurethane and, like some companies, and growing plants and trees on buildings. To equalize the playing field, Medicare for All or single payer. There should be no out of pocket costs as the working person is getting screwed enough. The lies about Canadian medicare are spewed by ignorance, according to a Canadian friend. Non-emergency procedures are scheduled, just like here, but selfish people see this as proof it doesn’t work. Biden is already walking back his promises of helping the “little people” by saying he will scale back stimulus aid in the future. Whether this decision is coming from pressure from corporations is unknown, but if he does that he needs to implement a universal basic income of at least $2,000 to compensate and keep the economy on a recovery track. It’s not that hard of a concept to understand, history has shown repeatedly that it’s the 99 percent and its’ spending habits that fuel the economy not the greedy, selfish rich who sit on their money. Biden also announced he would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This is a joke and shows just how out of touch he is with the reality workers live in. Go big or go home, as the saying goes. You have one chance to fix things and make life better for all so why not do it and allow people to see and feel the difference between Democrats and Republican, who would prefer we live in squalor and beg to be paid our measly wages, like some Dickens’ story. The Democratic Party lack the capacity or the imagination to respond to today’s discontent. They think we, the liberal class, can get the corporations and GQP to work with them. In the old days anyone who proposed this would have been laughed out of the militant labor halls. We have to change if we don’t revolt will come from the right as it did on January 6, but to a much more organized and powerful manner, like the Nazi, fascists in Italy and the Russian czarists. The terrorists will be funded, organized and manipulated by the corporate forces and Fox TV. Investigations surrounding the funding the insurrection at the Capitol Building show the Mercer family and the Koch brothers, so far. To understand how out of touch Democrats can be, consider a proposal that Nevada Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak is pondering. In an effort to lure technology companies to Nevada, the law, if passed, would allow “Innovation Zones” to be created. These zones would give large swaths of land to corporations and allow them to form their own governments with the same authority as counties. They would have the ability to impose taxes, form districts like school and water, and create a court system and provide other government services. What could go wrong? Perhaps Governor Sisolak should educate himself about the 1920s Battle of Matewan. In southern West Virginia, a coal mining company hired the Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency when the miners engaged in a work stoppage to gave better pay and working conditions. Joining the miners were the sheriff and mayor realized the company had amassed too much power, they tried to curtail that power, but the company wasn’t having any of it. It turned into the Matewan Massacre with the killing of 10 people, seven detectives, two miners and the mayor were killed for corporate greed. We can’t let up, we have to keep the Democrats’ feet to the fire.


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