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How Republics Die

There is no reason for a Republic to die, It should live as long as the masses want. There is not given life span. Republics will live or die by the choices of the people we put in change of our Republic’s custody if the people who we put in charge are selfish, greedy and just want power, and people still voted for these people. This simply encouraged more extreme misbehavior and the masses saw this and nothing year after year and election after election with increasing extreme behaviors. In some countries, each president took more power until they did not leave, they became president for life, like Vlad Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China and Kim Jung-un of North Korea. These rulers have shown the way to undercut the power of the Republics and the people. Our rule of law is jeopardized by our elected people taking bribes in exchange for their votes. So, when we, for whatever reason, supported or refused to condemn and hold these people accountable, we are just giving away our Republic, and this could all could have been avoided by the people understanding how and why this was happening, and who has laid the plans to take over our government. Some of these people who want to exercise control over our government include corporations, some are extremely wealthy people who own television stations, news media, social media and radio programs. The next will be ‘do or die’ on both sides. The GOP versus the people, and in order for the people to win, Democrats and unions must stand together in how we vote and fight for if any result is challenged to the U.S. Supreme Court, we will lose just like we did in Bush v Gore. The next two elections are the most important elections this country will ever face. For we could lose the right to unionize, minimum wage, Postal Service, corrupt-free elections that cannot be reversed, our climate crisis and Social Security and what little health care we have, just to name a few. Healthcare is run by greedy companies and providing limited services could be abolished in favor of universal healthcare like the people of Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Isle of Man, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, so why can’t we have the same? We’re supposed to be the richest country in the world yet we treat our people worst than most people treat their pets. There are people who should be in jail at this time for what they did at the Capitol Building ad for shooting people they disagree with for one reason or another. If they get away with what they’ve done, it will be open season on Democrats and unions, and people of color. Think I’m exaggerating, consider none of the republicans who plotted with donald trump to overturn the election and the Insurrection at the Capitol Building have not been held accountable. Congressman paul gosar released an anime video of him killing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the teenager, whose mother drove him across state lines with an AR-style weapon whereupon he murdered two and injured one Black Lives Matter demonstrators, or Julius Jones, a black man facing execution in Oklahoma despite all the evidence that points to his innocent; or the three on trial for killing a man for jogging while black.


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